Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Well before that

Don’t know.

I asked you a question, I didn’t get the courtesy of an answer to - merely a question. That’s just rude.

Open up fully in December, fucking nuts, lockdown again in January February. Fuck all happens in those months anyway and then open up for st Patrick’s day and stay open. :grinning:

Jesus you’re some fanny. You give out enough abuse yourself

from the fella who got his knickers in a twist because I said a mean thing about a professional footballer last night.

Jog on you coward

I didn’t get my knickers in a twist at all. I just don’t think its helpful to abuse the shit out of a teenager every time he does something bad

What in the fuck did I say that was nasty?

not you mate.

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Here is a study from a medical journal.

The risk of contracting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) during air travel is lower than from an office building, classroom, supermarket, or commuter train.

All the comments underneath seem to contradict it or question it.


I think whether you enjoy Christmas or not, and how that translates into how you’re love for your family, is fairly irrelevant. I’m not a fan of Christmas generally, but I know a lot of people, particularly people who don’t see their families as much as they like, really look forward to it.

Furthermore, Irish citizens should ALWAYS* be allowed return to Ireland when they want to. We’re drowning in enough stupid regulations and controls without throwing this nonsense into the mix

*unless they’re in jail

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Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Pombal reported being an employee of TAP Air Portugal Group Health Services and is chairperson of the Aerospace Medical Association Air Transport Medicine Committee. Dr Hosegood reported being an employee of Qantas Airways and is president of the International Airline Medical Association. Dr Powell reports receipt of personal fees from the IATA.




You could just admit you got it wrong with your throwaway.

The people disputing have expertise in medicine and ventilation.

Well the country is either signing up to the EU travel rules or they’re not. Can’t have it both ways.

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It would be good if we implemented them more properly.

Currently for non-green regions the only limitation is “please restrict movements for 14 days”. Also fill in a form but it’s not used for anything It’s not what you’d call bullet proof.

Far safer would be if people from orange regions had to have a negative test to enter; and people from red had to have a negative test and a second one arrival.

Flights from the most dangerous locations should simply be suspended.

You could and should have random testing of arrivals across the board as well.

We should also consider providing quarantine facilities for people who do test positive on arrival.

Those restrictions would both be far more effective in protecting us from covid and provide conditions under which people can travel if they need to.

Instead you’ve Holohan saying travel is dangerous but we don’t want to do anything about it.

They are. You just have Holohan trying to obfuscate that fact.