Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Geoengineering, making more than patterns in the skies
5G radiation, beamed to Earth from space by satellites
The scientist and mediatrist
Trying to tell me 2 and 2 is 5

He put the phone on silent and switched on the out-of-office.

What’s the score in the Free State at the moment? Could I book into an hotel and actually get to stay in it for a weekend any time soon?

The moment I knew things had gone too far was when Varadkar, the leader of the country, said that with schools reopening across Europe in May that Ireland should consider it. Cardinal Holohan said no way and it was repeated as such that evening on the news.

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There’s no Covid in the 1920s so no issue.

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Going by the hurling thread, partition still on your minds down there. Apparently the Kilkenny & Tipp selections are based on some sort of partitionist attitude.

I told ye when Leo dared defy him holohan wouldn’t rest until he showed who was boss. It’s just a pissing contest between bad doctors.


Great thing for bad doctors is they never get customer complaints. The dead speak no lies

My pal who makes 2m a year doing med negligence law begs to differ.


They can be handy for an auld vote or two when you’re stuck though

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Not clinical enough. Bad doctors and cunt solicitors mix in the same D4 circles giving each other work

The good guys win and we have an Irish president. Those people were martyr’s for the US of A

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Some of the stories I have heard would scare you.

His one bit of advice was whatever personality you have, park it at the door of the hospital and become an assertive cunt.


Like o Neill I’d some bants.

Malcolm Gladwell had an interesting theory on medical negligence lawsuits in his latest book.

I read that book but remind me what it was

From what I recall the majority of the claims and lawsuits were down to bedside manner and lack of manner/communication from the doctor to the patient as opposed to any real negligence in terms of treatment.


That was from Blink
Patients never claim from doctors with good bedside manner or who treat them with kindness, if a popular GP makes a fuck up and a person wants to claim negligence they look further down the chain and pin the blame on some cuntish consultant who had nothing to do with the balls up

Proper order.