Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

RTE back to scare mongering about people gathering on a public street in Dublin last night.

Fergal Bowers pulls a 5 day incidence rate metric out of his arse because that’s one that has risen. A metric never used prior to now.


The stupid cunts of guards out stopping cars on every boreen in Ireland and they let hundred hang around Temple Bar drinking and pissing on the street every night. Useless bastards.

It’s all theatre.

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This is the time Tony and Glynner start pulling cases and deaths out of the August and September files in the storage room.

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Fear porn


The nocebo effect.


From what I can see is there is no way of identifying if this is a recent video or from before. Camera is mainly towards floor and you don’t see anyone with masks, even in big public gatherings breaking guidelines you still see people with masks.

The replies to that are heartwarming

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Some very tfk like. We are an inspiration

Magaluf boii

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Up da rebels. You can’t get cornavirus if your a full blooded carkie. Magaluf that’s some extreme comparison

What is the latest lads? I haven’t popped in here in a few weeks. Everyone doing okay?

People need to stop dying

And porridge is usually so tasty


We’re on this run of stories again

Yup 2 weeks of level 5 left. They need justification to keep people in for Christmas. I have yet to come across a person that hasn’t said they are doing what they want for Christmas. Massive swing to OIUTF over last few weeks

FG and FF voters giving out about FF and FG ceding power to medics.

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Pat Kenny made the point this morning that it places are allowed sell takeaway pints and people are let drink them on the streets there should be toilets made available.

Dublin is badly served in terms of public lavatories.