Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The place under O’Connell Street back in the day was some dive.

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The only fella I ever knew to ate a bowl of porridge plain was my grandfather, he’d ate a bucket of it, a big bucket of cement up on the hob every morning.

I does love a bit of porridge but I couldn’t ate it without a hape of berries and honey mixed in. I’ve never tried chillis, it sounds a bit unorthodox.

Unusual behaviour

Agreed and they should each provide a designated area for their customers to drink so they aren’t out on the streets bothering the public as well. Maybe indoors altogether to keep the noise down. Maybe they could provide tables and chairs for their customers also. I think this could catch on


A few bags of crisps and maybe a TV in the corner showing dodgy Sky.

It’d be almost like drinking in your own home but for the public. They could call it a public house.


When level 5 kicks in we’ll be singing T Ho’s praises

The 3 day incidence will be cited to state Level 5 needs more time

What about the 8 1/2 day incidence rate?

And benches.

The worry of course is that they become calling cards for anti social behaviour.

I don’t see how they can propose to pedestrianise College Green without a big increase in them. It would require real police work of course.

Seems to be a lot of attacks on NPHET today, are people starting to turn against them?



Supposedly the street in Ranelagh is hopping on a Friday/ Saturday night. I might head this weekend.

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Article on the indo Facebook page asking should pubs be allowed open for Xmas. 100s of comments and at least 99pc of them saying yes.

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The Christmas travel thing is turning people already as I suspected it would. Everyone knows someone who wants to come home from abroad.

“If Konor could not come home for Christmas I would be devastated. In a few years, my siblings and I will have our own families and be doing our own thing on Christmas Day, so these are the last years we will have as siblings all together,” says his sister, Danielle.

“It’s been exceedingly difficult not being able to see him this year. Our family all thought we would be able to get cheap flights and fly across the pond on the weekends. We weren’t expecting to say goodbye and not see him for so long,” she added.

This was the most interesting paragraph I thought. It reflects my thoughts on the lack of empathy from the Zero Covider crew.

People made decisions to go about their lives abroad with the intention that they could come over and back quickly and easily. People were fine to put that off for a few months but it comes to the crunch eventually. There are different types of emigration, someone going off to Austalia is one thing, there is an expectation that you will not be able to come home regularly. Living in Europe is another matter entirely.

I’m interested to see the reaction to this. I think a large reason why the Aussies and New Zealanders have been able to implement such a ban is because of how detached they are from the rest of the globe. Tourists are not city breakers or two weekers, they’re backpackers and long stay people. Many emigrants are also in that long term camp as well. There just wasn’t the clamour for travel. The main hubs were Aus-NZ though and the hope was a Christmas Travel bubble. This will put a lot of people out.

Leo has set the pack onto Tony with his statement about coming home for Christmas. The game of knifey spoony goes on.

Have a few for me. Myself and @Copper_pipe will head down to the south mall and have few as it was like magaluf

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The kite flying for Christmas is well under way now. Think the Government know if they cancel Christmas they will be destroyed.

We’ll be arm in arm singing Fairytale of New York yet lads :pint:

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To be honest the whole lockdown is on the verge of collapse. If numbers are still rising in December (mostly because of the schools) and they’re forced to allow people home for Christmas then it’s almost all over for the Archbishop.

But I can see a situation where everyone is allowed home for Christmas except the border counties, which would obviously be no good for me.

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