Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I am surprised they got away with another lockdown. You can see it unravelling one the restrictions are lifted in December all bets are off and if they don’t lift them people are just going to ignore them anyway.

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Yeah we’ve nearly got two separate countries or cultures living under one roof now. Ireland is a small country that usually has a very high level of consensus so the media and the government won’t really know how to cope with it.

They can’t stop people coming home.

All they are doing is putting the fear up the type of people who’d have self isolated before leaving and maybe isolating for another few days before meeting granny.

They need to be far more practical but won’t be.

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They can stop me because my parents won’t let me home if the government stop it but realistically I’ll be the only person on my own Christmas Day.

Yeah they need to be more pragmatic. I posted in the US thread a video of guidelines for Thanksgiving in California. They need something like that but haven’t the strength to put it up to NPHET.

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That would never happen. Either you’re becoming unhinged or the nordie chip on the shoulder on you is stronger than I thought.

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We are a very persecuted people

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Level 5 has been a spectacular failure. They are due a review this week and they have played their entire hand at this point. Public buy in is non existant now and will lessen even more once 1st December comes.


Ireland’s 14 day incidence is among the lowest in Europe. We actually got the lockdown in first across Europe and are the better for it.

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Compared to the first lockdown this second one is only a half arsed effort.

I’ve encountered one Garda check point over the last three and a bit weeks - and it was only a couple of lads waving people on, slowing traffic down unnecessarily.

NPHET’s main objective is to protect the health service. Better health services are struggling with Covid so you can understand their instinct to lockdown. There was no way our health service was ever going to be capable of handling a pandemic.

Anti lockdown people should direct their ire towards the government as they are the ones who have abdicated responsibility and handed the decision making proess over to the medics Unlikely you’re a FF/FG voter so are entitled to rage but if you voted FFG and are complaining about NPHET then you’re a hypocrite


I’d slightly disagree. If you voted FFG and are solely complaining about NPHET then you’re a hypocrite. NPHET aren’t above criticism from anybody. But to abdicate the government and solely blame NPHET is hypocritical

It’s a joint response, the government are supposed to provide the checks and balances and haven’t. NPHET are myopic, they are set up solely to handle the response to the pandemic. The government should be working above and with them, on all things. They aren’t.

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This is all NPHETs fault


It’s all young peoples fault

The public have chosen NPHET over the government so the latter have no authority to overrule NPHET.

I suspect however that this may change if NPHET try to lockdown Christmas

A fair few of my friends headed to Cyprus last week on their holidays for four weeks. All were working from home so it makes no difference. Rented some sort of villa type house with a pool and what not for half nothing. They said it’s obviously quiet enough but locals were very welcoming. No hassle at either airports.


That’s genuinely stupid