Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I imagine it will be in stark contrast to people returning home over Christmas. There will be a load of Karens with camera phones at the ready.

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Did you see the reaction when Varadkar questioned NPHET? Genuinely.

From pictures I saw most of them were drinking cans

so being populist is an excuse for not governing. OK, got it.

ā€œThe taoiseach is meeting the minister for justice to discuss whether takeaway pints should be banned.ā€

Christ above.


When exactly? Donā€™t think Cyprus is accepting travellers from Ireland since last week.

Never said that. They are happy to leave decision making to NPHET. It is marketed as advice but in reality it is more than that. Government have abdicated responsibility. The first divergence from NEPHET was met with public derision (maybe because it came from Varadkar himself) so why would he or any govt official stick their necks out like that again. Anyway Iā€™m sure all will be revealed over the coming weeks. There will be a big dichotomy from what the public want this time and what NPHET want. The fact that they have publicly stated they havenā€™t thought of Christmas much is worrying.


Iā€™d say in the last week maybe ten days. Fair few are planning on going out next week as well.

They wonā€™t get out there.

I went to 3 of them the other day. Waste of time, the Garda asks you where you going and you say home or work and they say grand off ya go. I do notice that they are stopping cars with regs from other counties and waving those with county plates or surrounding counties through.

Still, an orgy isnā€™t all bad

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The court of public opinion is all that matters. Look at the posts above. A few screaming Maryā€™s complain about something innocuous like outdoor drinking and our ā€˜rulersā€™ are jumping to ban it.

I dunno but itā€™s so miserable around here Iā€™m considering going at this stage. Iā€™d be slightly worried youā€™d get stuck out there.

Thereā€™d be worse places to be stuck

Go for it mate

Iā€™m struggling hugely with the misery. The short evenings make it much tougher than the last one. Just hope the vaccine is here soon and we draw a line under this whole charade.


Exactly to say they arenā€™t populist and reactionary is wrong. They very much are. The latest with takeaway pints is the latest in the genre. The gas thing about it is there was no problem with Leo drinking cans in Phoenix park with his mates during the summer.

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Virus wise Little difference between lads drinking pints on street versus lads getting changed after sea swimming.

However the optics of anti-social behaviour , public urination (itā€™s hidden in the sea) is different.

People going on holidays abroad in summer were viewed as selfish. There will be a different spin by media for returning emigrants. In much same way BLM protests were not criticised but lads in stands at GAA matches were.

Itā€™s all theatre and optics and spun a certain way by whoever has their foot on the wheel weaving the yarn.


The people in social media moaning we have a fascist Thatcherite government couldnā€™t be more wrong. We have a weak as piss government who have been afraid to govern since the Irish water debacle and bow to the whims of the Joe Duffy brigade and Social media. We have a series of political parties all trying to out populist each other and happy to load the cost of short-sighted decisions onto future generations. And an immature public who laps all this up.


Exactly and in addition the government monitor social media like a hormonal teenager.