Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The voice of reason, as always.

Oirish people are gas fuckers in fairness.

No you’re not as qualified as anybody else because you already stated that you don’t really enjoy or value Christmas the way most people do.

You’re a very intolerant person to contrasting views.

It’s one Christmas in all likelihood. We have already sacrificed so much more than Christmas and its only going to be one Christmas.



Stop being so reasonable, glas can’t get his head around that.

FFS, you’d swear t’was the end of the fucking world to postpone a trip home for a couple of months. The irony being, it’s a perfectly reasonable and sensible thing to do in the MIDDLE OF A FUCKING PANDEMIC, which is something @glasagusban loves to remind everybody of.

a modern day Archbishop John Charles Macquaid


17% of the people living in Ireland are immigrants. Should any of them be allowed fly home for Christmas to their families, or have people visit them?

17% of people born on the island of Ireland live abroad. Should any of them be allowed home to their families?

Why Christmas?

Yes is the answer to that and has been for some time now.

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Because people find it to be a special time to spend with people they love.

So should restrictions be lifted for all public/national holidays or just Catholic/Christian ones? Easter, Paddy’s day etc etc

There’s no real restrictions in place anyway so it’s all the one.

That’s a generalisation. I don’t see why Christmas should get special privilege when we’ve all sacrificed so much to apparently beat the virus.

If this is the strategy we’ve taken then we can’t let Christmas get in the way of that. People have been unable to bury their loved ones but let’s have Christmas because a few people can’t wait a couple of months to come home. It’s one Christmas, we’ve sacrificed everything else so Christmas should go too.


People can’t attend funerals or visit loved ones in hospitals. Flying home for Christmas can take its place on the list of shit that people need to deal with this year.

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You should throw on a hairshirt too. Couldn’t hurt.

If they can do so safely and according to guidelines, then yes. If not then I would hope they would exercise some common fucking sense and postpone for a bit.

What @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy suggested was a perfectly reasonable and prudent course of action under the current circumstances. You got your knickers knotted over it. Own up to your hypocrisy FFS.

Your the only cursing and roaring and the only one with knotty knickers.

Government have banned pints.

I’ll be very clear I don’t really care about anything anymore I’m completely miserable over the whole thing but it’s a bitter pill to swallow if the pubs/restaurants open for two weeks around Christmas and people return but it’s agreed we will be going back into another six week lock down in early jan.

I genuinely won’t accept that.

You’ve two options for me either allow visitors return but keep pubs/restaurants closed or else impose strict travel restrictions and allow the pubs / restaurants open for Christmas and remain open.

I for one can’t contemplate another six week lock down. Pretty much all my family are abroad and it’ll sad not seeing them but I think it’s the fairest way. People abroad in the main have jobs and roofs over their heads. If we face into another six week lock down in early January a lot of people based in Ireland wont have jobs to go back to. That isn’t right.

I’m willing to Do almost anything to avoid another lock down in early January Anyway.