Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

No he’s not but his wreckless predictions (80,000-120,000 dead, 5,000 cases a day) are dangerous. Media organizations need to drop him from coverage as it’s clear his predictions are alarmist and not based on any sort of reality.

I was agreeing with MMcD, there is no reason for NPHET confidentiality. They’re literally destroying people’s lives here. They should publish the advice that states why that is necessary.


hang on now. NPHET have a mandate to solely protect health in an emergency. That’s it. They recommend action based on whatever information they have at the time and their understanding of the pandemic as it pertains to Ireland.

They are acting on a national health emergency.

To accuse them of “destroying peoples lives” is incorrect. They are presenting the information they have and the understanding they have to the Government.
The government are acting upon it and driving policy.

Leo the cunt has hid behind NPHET since day 1. We are acting on NPHET’s advice, we’ll follow the experts. Somehow he is exempt from peoples ire in all of this.

You seem to think NPHET are evil or have bad intentions. It’s a very strange state to be in bud


Bizarre that he is still getting so much airtime. Him and Tomas Ryan.

So if a lad votes for a party he 100% is responsible for everything they do and say? I have my own mind and I dont need a political party to think for me. I can criticize FFG all they as they are calling the shots and making a fuck of it — what others may or may not do is irrelevant …

But i’d agree that Mary Lou is too busy playing games - she has been for a long time- waits to see what way the wind is blowing… But they are in a no win situation here really. Look at the back lash Leo got for going against Nphet - you forget that a sizeable amount of the population are forelock tuggers .

You’re living under a rock if you think Leo Varadkar is exempt from people’s ire

He’s on my off list, Luke O’Neill, Nolan, all of them.

Nolan is in NPHET but he is a numbers guy, first and foremost, having him talk about anything remotely related to actual people is frightening (not scary frightening). Like talking to the quant guy at work about a match

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Point taken. The implementation of NPHET’s advice is destroying lives would be a fairer way to put it.

I don’t think they are evil, I think they are incompetent and I think they’re far too political. I’ve seen absolutely nothing concrete from NPHET about why they are advocating the strictest lockdown measures in Europe (on the entire nation) for a country with a middling amount of cases.

I’ve been saying for months now that NPHET is not fit for purpose, they should be thanked for their services and wound up at this point. The make up of the group and how it operates need to be restarted from scratch.


during the pandemic? So the coalition should handle everything?


That typo would haunt me


Yes, it is. People are losing their jobs, people are depressed, people are dying from covid.
You’ve seemed to have conveniently forgotten the pandemic.

You’ve replaced the pandemic as the cause of all this with NPHET

We are in a pandemic. It isn’t going to be all rainbows and lollipops.

No. The team should be reconstituted and rebalanced. It should be chaired by someone else, minister for health perhaps. It shouldn’t do press conferences any more, it shouldn’t do public briefings.

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that’s an absolutely terrible idea. You want them to be more political? Also, you’d want Donnelly chairing the emergency response team?

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No I haven’t and no I haven’t.

I just think the restrictions are massively disproportionate. As I have from the start and I’m very happy to stand over that position

This tweet sums it up for me, these are the ambitions of 60% of the country who have been scared out of their minds. At least we are alive.


The minister for health lead on our response to a health crisis? Yes I think that would be a good idea. Funnily enough that’s what our national emergency response plan says we should do.

NPHET and the government got it massively wrong at the very start of this. They were slow into lockdown. Remember the people coming back from the UK and in from Italy were told they didn’t have to quarantine. The care homes was an absolute national disaster. Lots of people died. There should be an inquiry into that. There won’t be.

They are naturally in a defensive position now. The restrictions here aren’t massively disproportionate. They are slightly more draconian than other countries. The difference here is we have a small country and a very mobile population. People in remote areas tend to travel into urban areas to conduct their business. Local policies will not work. We have local authorities that have been underfunded for generations, they aren’t fit for purpose. Local, rapid responses are out of the question. So we have to do everything nationally, unfortunately.

It’s shit.

He’s leading the government response, I think they should be separate entities. Always.

There has to be more transparency demanded around test and trace with the news last night/this morning. It’s scandalous.

If there are issues they need to be solved during the next six weeks. That’s the standard WHO advice.