Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

From places like Milan texas and New York that are riddled according to rte in April. Surely they are all dead at this stage

Well now.

hon Holohan!, keep it locked down good and hard

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flights arriving every day, I can’t understand how it is allowed

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We could bd at 10000 a day too based on my modelling. No one will call out that is absolute bollocks nor to show my assumptions for the model as I have pulled it out of my arse

Just hundreds today. Less than 5% what there normally would be. Was in at 6am. First flight 10:30 am

She appears to be a NPHET spokesperson at this stage but this is far from new. In fact Holohan said it would come much earlier, in mid December;

The really interesting part is the hospitalisations, where NPHET played loose with the truth, note the brackets on the second paragraph.

Of course we never got near that trajectory.

The Government and NPHET played a big hand with Level 5 when they did, I don’t think the Government fully understood the hospital piece though. NPHET did not present what they thought would happen with Level 3, all we know is one of their leaks to the media “level 3 will not work”.


Hopefully this is nphets last few weeks in the sunshine and the vaccine is rolled out quickly.


ye have at least another six months of it to endure

Surely, SURELY, we are now getting to the point where even the most ardent lockdown advocates can see that they are not going to work long term? Aside from the enormous collateral damage they do (and continue to do every day they are in place), people have limits on how long they will, or can, keep it up

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They want new laws, that tells you where they think it should go.

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Holohan wants to impose even tighter restrictions

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we need a serious lockdown , id imagine in january itll be back to the days of march, 2km zones, schools closed, everything closed down, fellas out clapping on thursdays for the so called front line staff and children not allowed outside the garden
a good proper hard lockdown, no sport on TV, nothing
That’ll flatten the curve… there will be a reprisal in mid feburary and we’ll back into it again by paddy’s day till the middle of may

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where is sam macconkey?
imagine if he had Luke O Neill shot dead- Hoolahan will do the graveside oration then, a virtual oration, sew it into the bastard and accredit his death to covid


Level 3 was working better than Level 5

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Level 5 is a cod


You’d want your head examined going into a Private house. I’d say Public houses are safer.


Depends on the Public House really.

McWanker will surely give level 6 another rattle soon.

Fine Gael facing down threats to fine lads drinking in public.

The party of partying.