Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Well our national emergency response plan says different. NPHET operating as a separate entity has been a car crash so far, you can’t deny that. The group is not fit for purpose.

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We all lived to tell the tale of 9/11 too. It had fuck chance of killing us like covid but hey, we have to live with the consequences. “In the interest of public health,” is the same as the yanks “in the interest of national security”. Dont say it doesn’t affect us, remember the queues in Dublin Airport for @Batigol to feel you up to ensure you aren’t sneaking a bottle of Ballygowan onto a plane. NPHET and the goverment have to be held accountable for ruining the country, for something that is killing on average 3 people a day when on an average day 80/90 people die in ireland


Irish people are awful gobshites


there should be inquiries into the handling of the care homes and the speed of reaction at the start. Their purpose is to protect national health. Since the initial fuck ups they’ve been heavy handed with their recommendations, which is understandable. But they are advisory.

By proxy, logically is it safe to assume you think the government aren’t fit for purpose?

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We are an island off the coast of Europe. People move in and out of Belgium (for example) a lot more.

And the restrictions here are more draconian than the ones in the part of the island with a far higher case rate than us. There’s no justification for that IMO, let alone how much stricter they are than practically all of Europe

NPHET and the government only two months ago informed us that targeted lockdowns in Kildare, Laois and Offaly had worked. It’s less than one week since three counties were moved to level 4. If cases are high in Lifford, there is fuck all justification for someone in Bantry to have to live under a 5km limit from their own home, not be allowed a social visit in their own home and have to (potentially) justify every trip for a loaf of bread to a police officer.

The care homs were a criminal disaster IMO.


@Thomas_Brady and I know this woman. She’s Scotch


It I always safe to assume I think FG and FF aren’t fit for government.

Belgium has the highest rate of deaths in Europe

If that was the case you would be correct, but cases are high everywhere. Community transmission is out of control.

The incidence in those 3 local counties dropped but it has gone up in surrounding counties since because Irish people don’t stay in their own county all the time. Shock horror.

This thread shows how shit of a position public health experts are in.

Lots of people died early on. People accepted lockdown. yeah we had to go into lockdown, fair cop. (people died because we went into lockdown late) but the response gets a free pass. Bizarre

The same people, with the same numbers, who made the mistake above introduce lockdown to avoid the situation above. They get hammered. Bizzare

I don’t think it is. As I’ve said a long time, these guys know they fucked up early on. Taking an ultra cautious approach to cover their own early mistakes at every stage since is not consequently the right approach.

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hang on now Glas, you’re not contesting a fair ball here. You’ve consistently quoted the death rate as an indicator of how bad a job we’ve being doing. And now you’re saying they are doing a bad job for trying to keep that down.

Except that’s bullshit.

What actually happened was that Nphet were following pandemic theory and WHO advice on when to lockdown. Lockdown then, as it still is supposed to be, the last stop on a serious of measures to slow the spread of the thing to allow you to “flatten the curve” and buy time.

This was, as when you read the literature it is clear, due to the fact the WHO consider it wrong to shut down lives for a sustained period of time & did not think it’s feasible beyond a few weeks.

Since they, public health officials have discovered a public and media dedicated to this one thing and who are prepared to do whatever it takes to “stop” it. Backing this up are Central Banks willing to print money and throw it off to the side.

There was never any suggestion of rolling lockdowns for years when this started - notice how “flatten the curve” has been replaced by “circuit breaker”. They are not acting on the same basis as before.


And their measures are not as strict as ours. They even allow fans at games in limited numbers.

I would take issue with you saying their response got a free pass. Most people on here said the nursing homes were a disgrace. Me and a few others were anti-lockdown from the start.

Making a fuck up at the start does not mean you should give poor or overly conservative advice for the remainder of this pandemic

Their fuck up was being slow into lockdown.

@EstebanSexface I do agree with you that people are being disingenuous now giving NPHET a pass for March whilst screaming about all deaths now & them needing to be stopped.

But I take issue with the idea that things have not changed. They have changed massively. And if the ECB decide tomorrow to stop putting Irish debt away in another vault that says “do not touch”, they’ll change again here as it would be totally unaffordable.

this beauty has been thrown around a few times and I’ve yet to see evidence to back it up.
Anything I see from WHO states it isn’t a silver bullet and should be used to stop transmission when community transmission is out of control

Hang on a sec, I need to compose myself

It’s the greatest mistake in the history of Western democracy. Academics running models and carrying out experiments in real time destroying thousands of lives moving the goalposts to justify each action.


Except we know this is bullshit in the Irish context. They wanted to use Level 5 to control the virus, this is actually borne out of the (limited) stats Nolan released.

NPHET wanted level 5 2 and a half weeks ago. In the 2 weeks between lockdown in March to peak hospitalizations, we got up to 900 in hospital.

In the 2 weeks from NPHET’s first demand, we got up to 300.

NPHET’s “concern” is 400 in hospital by the end of October.

They are not using lockdown the same way, they are using it as a control measure. It is NOT on the same basis as before.


And completely ignoring nursing and care homes. Then being ultra slow to open up. Then focusing their restrictions on the wrong places while ignoring real areas of risk, see travel v meat plants. Then they got masks wrong. The set against hospitality was wrong. The restrictions on sports, both playing and attendance was wrong. Their own advice was wrong, advising level three of a Thursday followed by level 5 on a sunday. Their approach to doing their job was wrong, leading to the chasm with government and crisis of confidence in the public.

This is all in my view of course.

I think they’ve been a shot show from start to finish.

And it is now apparent they are tunnel visioned and not equipped (due to the narrow range of their expertise) to consider their recommendations against other factors. That in itself means they should not be in the lead on managing the pandemic, which they still are.

They are clearly not fit for purpose to advise on reopening society or managing the balance between that and the pandemic into the future. That may not be their own fault but it is a fact.