Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

As always.

He nearly burnt the house down 6 times because he lost his sense of smell. I lost my sense of smell about 15 years ago and have never nearly burned my house down


A very sensible approach. You can restrict movements before leaving as well.

Airplanes themselves are very low risk. Myself and @Tassotti can attest to it.

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Maybe he shouldnā€™t walk away leaving the cooker unattended. Common sense if you canā€™t smell. No wonder chip pan fires were so deadly

Wonder will his sense of smell come back?

Rte wonā€™t allow it


That was months agoā€¦ Stop living in the past, man.

We need some sort of plan for living with covid

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The last 2 didnā€™t last long. Under the bed till the vaccine is in 90 % of the population

At the roundabout, take the first exit and continue on the n15

ye need a plan for living with restrictions

The cops are a great bunch of lads, always liked them.

We could get very fond of lockdowns, they could be with us long after Covid is gone. A weekā€™s lockdown in advance of an orange weather warning in case a tree falls down on someone.


Cillian De Garsun on Primetime now
Heā€™ll tell us to put in the green jersey etc

Ye celebrated too much at Halloween so ye did

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Cillian mentioning the 5 day moving average of 1200 from October. First I heard of it.

Miriam on about case increases when itā€™s reduced the last 3 days.

ā€œYe all partiedā€ is what Dr Tony et all are telling us

I called over to the folks earlier. My auld lad starts going on about this story. The old dear replies to him ā€˜thank fuck thereā€™s no war on and we donā€™t have to depend on useless watery fuckers like himā€™.

Sheā€™s a great bit of stuff me auld wan.


Poor Cillian is struggling to think of any reasons the figures have stalled here, NPHET will reopen the pubs for Christmas just so theyā€™ll have something to blame again.

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