Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

You’re not doing what your told lads

Leo hit the nail on the head back there on 2 October. If Level 5 doesn’t work, what then? What’s the plan.

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That’s the point having this lad on, literally has no answers

A lot done more to do

A ball of bollix and bluster. But hey the science is exciting

Prime Time somehow managing to put a negative spin on the vaccine news.


Cliona is delighted to be on the telly. The epidemiologists have had their day. It’s the immunologists turn now.

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This one hasn’t a notion

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Doctors are having the time of their lives

They’ve never had it so good.

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Business is booming

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

draconian measures, a savage imposition is required on peoples liberty, full house arrest

The good people of Sandymount are not happy

Nimbys putting their convenience ahead of safety

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The humble bicycle is a scourge in leafy Sandymount.

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Alot of oddballs interviewed in that segment.


Are ye still watching the Prime Time lads?
