Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

cc @Copper_pipe

Stephen Donnelly on RTE News now. Says something has to be done, it’s been discussed at cabinet and the Minister for Justice has to ask the Guards if they are able to do something.

Nobody seems to have a clue if they can do anything.

Now saying there is no appetite to not exit level 5 in two weeks time.

It’s bullshit.

Confirmation for brenda and Nuala that they had it in November

What i got from it was they asked the guards do they want more powers and they told them no, they will not enforce them. Might be a big assumption from myself but the guards are a great institution in this country and are sicknof paying lip service to the government ie. Waving at traffic jams


Yup without speculation, if it was around that early, the extent of the virus has been exaggerated

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The Chinese have been getting the blame all along, but it was actually the Italians sent it over there

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Have RTÉ reported this yet? They usually stick any studies about antibodies wearing off as the top story alongside bad Swedish stories.


RTE have a programme about people on bikes tonight mate

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The mother is going on about some fella had to put chilli into his porridge as he lost his sense of taste. She saw it on Prime time last night. She’s on about bloody funerals now too. Would RTE ever fuck off for themselves. I’ve tried reasoning with the parents but it’s pointless or I am useless at it or both. My younger brother is in Canada at the moment who hasn’t been home in a year and is living alone and they are half putting him off coming home for Christmas. The plan was he was going to get tested before coming over, quarantine for a week and get tested again so we’ll see how that pans out.

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Saw that fella yesterday on TV. He’s about 50 and has no sense of smell or taste because of a Covid. Reckons he’s nearly burnt the house down a couple of times while cooking because of it.

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It was @Batigol let it in.

The next 2 weeks folks, the next 2 weeks

“We already have laws in place to prevent it, we just couldn’t be arsed” say the Guards


Might teach him to cook so, instead of waiting until he smells burning to turn something off

Would you say the next 2 weeks are critical? :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

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Aren’t you one of the lads that was beside himself fretting about the all-powerful police state we have not so long ago?


the next two weeks are very important