Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

It’s over now.

Was it good?

Be nice to be heading out for a few during sunny May evenings as opposed to dreary November, December, January, February, March & April evenings.

Very positive mate. Councils very good for people on bikes

Great news. At least there wasnt any Covid stuff on it so.

I was in the Mater earlier. On the lifts it had a poster showing the percentage of staff who had had their flu vaccine jab this year - broken down by job title. Doctors were lowest at 48%. Highest was admin staff at 66%.

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I drive 90-100km most days. I have not seen a guard on the road for at least 14 days now. Where are they?

On the Limerick Galway road near setrights tavern, every fucking day


Bushypark this morning

Remember when they were telling us we all had to get the flu vaccine this year to save the HSE? Well you can’t get the flu vaccine at the minute due to a HSE fuck up. No matter how high risk you are. Doctors don’t have it and don’t know when it’ll come in


N20 around Limerick/Clare border - always on road towards Limerick, sometimes on road leaving Limerick.

Advisory committee or Medical Junta

They lost 600,000 bottles down the side of the couch.

A road map. With levels maybe.

A good practice run for them for rolling out the vaccine. They’ll learn a lot from it

If they’re going at all they seem to be placed at the same locations they were when the first intercounty lockdown was put in place. There’s a permanent one just beyond the Poitín Stil on the M7 westbound, but I haven’t encountered any on the reverse trip. Pure tokenism.

Shur they can just put the flu deaths down to Covid and then blame the extra deaths on the selfish public, job done.

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I’d always call that southbound


Correct. Massive shortage of it. At risk and elderly patients getting it first.

As suspected