Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

I thought we established a long time ago that it was the pubs?

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How did you do the last part of that with your fingers? I’m struggling here.

The virus got wise once we copped it was lurking in pubs. It’s a very clever virus and will surprise you when you least expect it to.

@EstebanSexface @Julio_Geordio

The average number of close contacts is 3

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It’s mad the way so many beds that were available in March and April just disappeared the last couple of months.

March: Don’t panic, we have plans in place, we won’t be over run.
October: Shut everything down, we have 200 cases in hospital, we’ll be over run.

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No, I wholly disagree with you there.

If no effort is made at contact tracing how do know how or where cases are still arising? How do we inform exit from lockdown with zero data?

The numbers quoted never make any sense.

Serious illnesses cant be put off anymore like they were back in spring — Uncle of mine waiting for leukemia treatment for months was called the other day for it … cunts had him waiting months cc @EstebanSexface your pal from the bar.


So about 2 and a half phone calls a day. Sounds like it could take years off their lives

it was 6 from the reports from last month (when the numbers were higher)
there is 3 calls to a confirmed case and then a call to a close contact.

But sure it’s piss easy. Call someone up, tell them they have an infectious disease, get their address book and call a few more people to tell them they may have an infectious disease.

Piece of piss

Thoughts and prayers mate

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How is that hard :smiley:

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Who are you calling?

Is every call going to be cooperative? Will everyone be able to understand you?

How is it easy?

@glasagusban is correct. The latest HIQA report wants to see Irish data and surveys.

It also highlighted the need for Irish data regarding settings and activities linked with an increased risk of transmission in order to better understand the national risk and mitigation factors.

There is no data because Nolan et al sat on their holes all summer long and selectively use SAGE numbers when it suits (not in schools).

HIQA’s report is of little use when you read it;

The research found that clusters are also “consistently observed” in other places including nursing homes, meat and food plants, large shared accommodation, nightclubs, bars, restaurants, gyms, offices, prisons, shopping centres and religious settings.

So basically everywhere that people live their lives.

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It is a piece of piss. Jesus Christ. It’s ringing phone numbers from a list you were given. What’s difficult about that?

He’s got no hands.


actually using a phone is easy.

Having to talk to people and get information from them isn’t especially easy. They may be uncooperative, they may not understand you. There may be straightforward calls and there will be absolutely nightmareish ones

Of all the issues that need to be dealt with in this pandemic, contact tracing should be by far the easiest.

Hi John, I need to inform you have been nominated as a close contact of a confirmed covid case. You now need to self isolate for 14 days and you will shortly receive a text message with an appointment for a test.
No I can’t tell you who the cunt that infected you is.
Hope everything works out ok.

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Serious illnesses aren’t being put off now and don’t need to. Europe are managing hospitals which is part of the challenge they have at the moment.

The reality on capacity is that they simple want zero pressure on the hospitals, which is part political.

Given that, we likely should not really have bothered our holes increasing capacity, rolling out mass test and trace etc. Just keep locking down.