Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Thatā€™s call one and it ends with you asking them to think about their close contacts

call two is getting information from the close contacts that they define.

call three to x is contacting those close contacts.

Only if they test positive. Vast majority end after call one

Lads who worked summers in O2 in Castleroy would find contract tracing a piece of piss

Better not to bother at all so.

Youā€™re tracing positive cases here mate. 400 positive cases remember and their close contacts. Iā€™m mortified for you

Sounds rough.

The numbers suggest it is 5 or 6 phone calls a day. They are given a script. Yes there are arseholes out there who will tell them to fuck off but 90% of the calls will be straightforward and Iā€™m sure they will all be able to claim from the state in a few years from the trauma of the bad man who wasnā€™t nice to them on the phone. It should be extremely straightforward to organise. That they canā€™t even organise this properly tells you all you need to know about the monkeys in charge of this shit show.


Seriously ladsā€¦ In all fucking fairnessā€¦ Itā€™s mid November and you are still arguing about contact tracing, ICU capacity since last Marchā€¦ not a thing has changed bar the weather.


think of the most stubborn cunt you can think of.

now think of calling that person and having to tell them they have coronavirus

now think of calling that person and asking him for 6 of his closest connections phone numbers or addresses

Have you volunteered your services cunt head?

Whatā€™s your point? Itā€™s not as easy as suggested? Fine. Should it be done? Yes.

Try calling people to collect money. Itā€™s a doddle compared to that.


I could run it part time using an Excel sheet but I do actually want people to die so I havenā€™t bothered my hole.

is it not being done or something?

Pretty much the same as meā€¦ I was thinking of doing it and not making the calls to let more people die but then Iā€™d have played a part in it. Best to keep laughing from the sidelines.

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You literally just said there was no point in doing it.

thatā€™s my opinion. In level 5 when everyone is supposed to be acting like a close contact what is the point in ringing someone to tell them theyā€™re a close contact?

Rings husbandā€¦ Rings wifeā€¦ Rings kids.

Thereā€™s your three daily callsā€¦ a great days work.

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I would like to think most people would self isolate if they got that call. For that alone it is worth doing. This is a bizarre stance from you, kid.

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anyone you do call is going to tell you a load of lies anyway if they were breaking restrictions

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