Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

you aren’t supposed to self isolate, you’re supposed to restrict your movements. which is what is happening anyway

No it is not, not by a long shot for a huge amount of people.

No evidence was found that contact tracing reduces the number of secondary cases.

Taking recent estimates for COVID-19 transmission we predict that under effective contact tracing less than 1 in 6 cases will generate any subsequent untraced infections, although this comes at a high logistical burden with an average of 36 individuals traced per case. Changes to the definition of a close contact can reduce this burden, but with increased risk of untraced cases; we find that tracing using a contact definition requiring more than 4 hours of contact is unlikely to control spread.

A testing delay of more than 1 day requires the tracing delay to be at most 1 day or tracing coverage to be at least 80% to keep R CTS below 1. With a testing delay of 3 days or longer, even the most efficient strategy cannot reach R CTS values below 1.

So if loads of people are out and about and community transmission is high, tracing is ineffective (it can’t be anything but) and we are between a rock and a hard place.

Just stopped at a Garda checkpoint on way back home from a little light exercise in the park.

All seems a pointless waste of time and resources.

But it’s not everyone is it. Lots of people still go to work. Aren’t we supposed to be using our R number as a measure? How are we supposed to establish what it is if we’re not testing close contacts? Honestly, I think this is a very strange position you’ve taken.

i’ve given a few bits of scientific research that back up my position on the effectiveness of contact tracing at high levels of transmission.

Pointless was a bit strong of a word to use, ineffective would have been better

at high levels of community transmission you can’t be sure you’ve got all contacts - not everyone will be traced - not everyone will be tested. I.E you cannot be sure you have contained the virus, so measures need to be in place.

You can track, trace and isolate to get an idea of what the R is but you won’t have a full picture until community transmission is reduced through adherence to restrictions

if there isn’t adherence to restrictions track/trace/isolate alone is completely redundant.

& more importantly how will this affect the ESRI sporting participation stats?

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Scientific journal references. Thats a mic drop. Great move

i suppose it would go easier for me if I just went with kneejerk it’s a cod, darth holohan type reactions instead of actually thinking about things and looking it up and forming an opinion other than the tfk herds.


Sure we’ll give up on contact tracing altogether so :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

that would be silly

Agreed. It’s only a cod.

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I’ll be submitting my journal on that covid 19nis a cod to install a medical junta in ireland headed by mcdonkey dr hula hoop and the minster for gaslighting.

The tfk herd was well ahead of the turning public opinion but since your opinion is different to the majority of tfk, that was a fantastic trump card to show where ypu formed your opinion. Kudos, that made my day as you have researched your opinion, I still disagree with you but I can understand your point of view andnits not a blindly following what you are told either


very concerning figures there based on the 7 day rolling average


The tracers should largely be informing somebody they were a close contact, not that they have Covid.

As far as I understand, a ‘close contact’ is only somebody linked to somebody with a positive test, so the chain should often be not very long. (It doesn’t extend to further contacts of close contacts as appears to have been alluded to above.)

We should be using the advantages we have as a small country. We are talking about a few hundred cases a day, not tens of thousands.

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but you might have to deal with someone who is ignorant and get traumatised while reading your script

By far the biggest problem would be people not answering their phones, changing their number etc. Very few people answer strange numbers

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