Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Iā€™ve already stated my opinion on this level 5. I personally think it was unnecessary, but Iā€™m just a talking head on the internet. A couple more weeks in level 3 could have worked if given the chance.

Iā€™m only trying to rationalize why NPHET gave the advice they did to Government.

that isnā€™t their mandate. Thatā€™s governments mandate bud.

Leo was happy to hide behind NPHET at the start and people seem to think they are solely responsible for every single aspect of the response. The Dail is responsible for the societal side of things. Solely

I would share this opinion.

But again, this was my point, you claimed that they are acting on the same info and same constraints. They just arenā€™t, even their own modelling of those in hospitals says it.

Holohan went into Government buildings and essentially advocated for a new strategy of a circuit breaker. He denies it now, couching it as ā€œLevel 5ā€, but it is clear. Their modelling showed in four weeks from then that those in hospital would be at just 44.4% of the peak (which was reached in 2 weeks) without it. And if you consider back to March, there were suggestions of 15k cases by then and they believed hospitals were going to be harder hit than they were (see Glasā€™s posts on the surge).

I just canā€™t agree from NPHETā€™s perspective that you put forward. I do agree that in the sense of the general public who give a pass for March based on the new standard of stop Covid at all costs. If you were calling Varadkar and co. murderers for not introducing level 5 2 weeks ago but ignore that we delayed lockdown here in March (as the theory stated we should), then you are being hypocritical.

Mate, have you any ideas?

Herd Immunity either naturally or via a safe vaccine (which may never come) are and always have been our only way out of this sorry mess.

The lockdown in March had the occasional good news story of planes filled with PPE arriving in the country, with the need to purchase essential PPE and ventilators considered one of the main reasons for having the lockdown. Some flights were even being tracked when in the air. Is there any equivalent bit of good news to be delivered during this lockdown at all?

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Mark Kavanagh may be fit to start on Saturday.

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Paddy Cosgrave responsible for that as well?

This thing about the test and trace becoming overwhelmed at the weekend. Two and a half weeks ago Nphet knew enough to recommend level 5 because of an exponential rise in cases. Why didnā€™t they immediately recommend we throw more resources at tracing?


I read before that Dr Glynn wrote 3 times over the summer to the HSE in increase the contact tracing.

So itā€™s the HSEā€™s fault then?

Donā€™t know. But it wouldnā€™t be surprising

Exactly. But yet NPHET have the lead on all of this. It is not fit for purpose for what we need now. In fact, it has been actively counterproductive in how it has overacted recently.

NPHET should release all these to the public and throw the HSE and FFG under the bus. Sif they recommended these things and we see now these are the problem areas, they might get the public on their side and more importantly show what a shitshow ffg are and how they allowed hse to be a shitshow over theasy 20 years

Youā€™d have to ask Mrs Kav

Fuck me. Lads on the radio giving g out now cos they reckon its costing them more money to work from home. Meanwhile probably 100k people will shut up this evening wondering if theyā€™ll scrape the price of a Turkey together for Christmas. We really have turned into a nation of hungry self centered cunts


I didnā€™t mention constraints Tim but the constraints have tightened.

Back in March it was a covid first and covid only policy in terms of other medical services. This time they are trying to keep other services open in parallel. Big constraint vs March

Also, the season needs to be taken into account. Back in March we were coming out of winter, there would have been less strain on care than in Winter. Now we are coming in to winter. There will be more non covid burden on critical care. Big constraint vs March