Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


So the chain of events is you are a positive case. You leave your number with the testing crowd. The testing crowd inform you if you are positive? The trace crowd then have to call you to get your movements for 48 hours prior to when you were confirmed. Then try get all possible contacts from within that timeframe, get their phone numbers and contact them to inform them to get tested at which point if they test positive it repeats.

Now Iā€™d imagine that is manageable and effective at low numbers of transmission
At high numbers of transmission I would say it is a nightmare and largely ineffective as your chances of getting everyone are impossible. Hence measures

Correct -

This is a very instructive article on the challenges in the U.S - some of the quoted numbers would be similar to here, not with regards actual tracing, but wrt to the people who would answer their phones, or be compliant with tracers etc

What you need to look at is the 11.5 day incidence rate.
That is EXTREMELY concerning.



I think most people in this country identified as close contacts would be reasonably cooperative, maybe that is not the case. Forget the reluctant / difficult close contacts, hang up and move on.

If the tracers managed to get even 50% of contacts to isolate pending a test surely it would quickly lead to a significant reduction in numbers.

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Itā€™s logical to think that but unless testing and tracing is turned around pretty much instantaneously it is not effective at reducing numbers. I think we are at a 3.8 day turnaround, which has fuck all effect on reducing the rate of transmission based on studies.

for every 50% of the people you miss they are possible out and about spreading at the effective R0

It is absolutely effective and necessary at low levels of community transmission to track/trace and isolate in order to contain it. If the same problems exist and you only get 50% of cases you eventually get to high levels of community transmission again

South Korea were able to do with as they have a specific law for infectious diseases which mandates people to give certain information to the tracers, also, they have effective digital tracing on cards, phones, cameras etc.

We are woefully under prepared to implement a tracing only strategy

Iā€™m still a bit lost. We donā€™t have high rates of transmission.

Not as much as we had last month but community transmission is still high.

so in the past fortnight from last night - 5,778 cases were notified. roughly 60% associated to known outbreaks or travel/healthcare. 40% they havenā€™t a clue where it came from.

Too high

The junta have stopped reporting the crucial R nought number as it doesnā€™t suit the agenda that itā€™s sitting well below 1.


According to Esteban thereā€™s no point in contact tracing. If you donā€™t trace and test close contacts how can you effectively assess the R number?

This sounds like catch 22.

-Weā€™ll open up when we get the R number down said major major.
-How will we know when the R number comes down asked yossarian.
-We donā€™t measure the R number so we wonā€™t know when it comes down.
-Then how will we know when to open up?
-We canā€™t know when to open up because we are locked down.


@EstebanSexface is the contrarians contrarian :clap: :clap:

if you donā€™t trace and test EVERY close contact how can you effectively assess the R number?
You can guess

Tracing and isolating is ineffective at high levels of transmission. It will not reduce the level of transmission. Measures and adherence to those measures will. As numbers reduce from measures, testing and tracing becomes more effective and necessary to keep them low, especially as measures and restrictions are eased and lifted.

Youā€™re saying weā€™d prefer to guess rather than make an effort to gather data? Iā€™ll repeat again, we are not currently in a state of high transmission.

I donā€™t like the way that is going, no grounds for optimism

a circuit breaker at the end of this lockdown will beat it, 2 hard weeks

there were over 5K cases in the last fortnight, 40% of which they donā€™t know where they originated. That is high levels of community transmission.

Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying at all. Carry on being silly

High relative to what exactly?

No community transmission.