Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

They 2 weeks of everyone agreeing with each other and throwing out the same tired cliches was very interesting Iā€™d say

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To assess whether recommending surgical mask use outside the home reduces wearersā€™ risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in a setting where masks were uncommon and not among recommended public health measures.

You really are an idiot.

Because they didnā€™t contact trace them.

Or couldnā€™t. Youā€™re getting there

In fairness, in many cases itā€™s just not possible to identify where it was picked up. But the more info the better.

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Mate of mine stateside is a doc, pencilled in for his first Pfizer shot the first week of December after the latest Pfizer results, assuming emergency use is authorised. Big call with their hospital today, thousands of doses for their healthcare workers. Thatā€™s a month before the previously indicated date of the second week of January.



If this works on health care workers we are away for slates

Had he any choice as to whether he takes it or not?

Alternatively. if it turns out to be lethal, in six months time we may have wiped out the majority of healthcare workers in the western world!

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No, you need to look into a mirror for that.

A setting where masks are uncommon is the perfect setting to determine whether masks are effective. If you bothered to read the complete study, and understood it, surgical face masks do not provide protection against aerosol transmission. You would need a functioning brain to understand that obviously.

How will the HSE balls up the vaccine?

There is an existing requirement for a flu vaccine if you work in some units so he assumes the same here. The vast vast majority will take it if for nothing else that they donā€™t want to have to quarantine.

If that happens, we be as well off globally to just open it up to fuck, lie on the beach and let the tide take us anyway, metaphorically speaking of course.

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Does keeping the mask in your arse pocket for a week and taking it on and off everytime you visit a store limit its effectiveness?


Someone will trip over the fridge cable.

My opinion is that if you are in an environment with a high concentration of virus in the air, you need to be wearing goggles, a face shield, an N95 mask, gloves and a gown. Even then Iā€™m not sure you are safe.


379 cases and 12 deaths.

19883 cases and 603 deaths

Fuckinā€™ hell. Did Ze Germans invade again?

Thatā€™s actually an improvement in the number of cases! A record number of deaths today. There are about 70000 tests a day here and about a third of them have been positive. So the Government have decided to reduce the number of tests.

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