Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The shit down the diving boards in salthill in Galway because people werenā€™t socially distanced enough when wait their turn to jump in. In the height of summer with low levels of covid. In the name of jaysus.

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youā€™ve gone chasing likes. Sad to see

Big crowds of people at the 40 Foot at the moment. I just made a post in the swimming thread about something that happened there this morning.

I said it at the time as well. Iā€™ve been remarkably consistent.

Iā€™ll go and look it up now.

course you have, youā€™re great sure.

Donā€™t be tagging me with lies bud.

Itā€™s a global pandemic. Time for people to get real, pull together and save Christmas.

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Thanks. I never have done and wouldnā€™t be inclined to but Iā€™ll keep it in mind anyway.

There is none of this true

Why would people be irritated at people not social distancing,lad? When the numbers were low?

A number of reasons

  1. They may be vulnerable or caring for somebody that is vulnerable to the disease
  2. They may be assholes and just looking to create trouble
  3. They may see people not social distancing and know that if this behaviour becomes widespread we will end up with further restrictions down the line because of you know, a contagious virus spreading.

But sure you know everything.

On a diving board? Outside? Bollox. How long do you have to be standing within two metres of someone outdoors to be considered at risk? 30 seconds? I donā€™t think so.

sure do away with social distancing outside altogether then, unfortunately you donā€™t get to pick and choose social distancing for activities you like or donā€™t like etc. Like going on planes or jumping off diving boards

Our local Tesco re-opened after a year recentlyā€¦ It was part of a complex that suffered fire damage last last year. So the new system for entering is an electronic red/green board for stop /go, you lot are probably well familiar with itā€¦ but they still have a lady monitoring the crowd from inside.

So Iā€™m stood behind a chap last Saturday waiting for the green lightā€¦all of us with masks onā€¦ Iā€™m about a foot and a half behind your man, not quite the full two feet and I see him edging away . Grand, lave him off says I to meselfā€¦ Anyway the light went green and brains obviously hadnā€™t twigged the system and was waiting for the shop assistant to wave him onā€¦ I stepped forward when it went green anticipating brains would walk forward himself but he didnā€™tā€¦ The thick cunt rounded on me shouting about space and making hand gestures about 2 meters, in pure Cork fashionā€¦ I barked back that the light is FUCKING green you can enter the storeā€¦and if the cunt wasnā€™t wearing a mask Iā€™d like to think he was red faced from embarrassmentā€¦ But I doubt it. I walked close enough up behind him and called him a thick cunt but he kept walking so I half followed him (we were actually headed to the same section) to freak him out. What a fucking cunt bagā€¦ Iā€™d have no problem with any nicely asking would I mind stepping back if they felt I was encroaching. But he was about 30 odd and looking to make a big scene for the sake of it.

I was fucking fuming so I was ā€¦ Herr Holohan has these fuckers brain washed.


The same as it does in Russia

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You only have 22 more years of Carkness to endure before Princess finishes college and you can retire to the Costa

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Is this true? Iā€™ve seen a few funerals that havenā€™t had times and dates put on them. Have had to ring the undertaker for information.

Theyā€™re gas operators really. They claimed the last leak wasnā€™t them and wasnā€™t in the interests of public health. Before criticism of the leak had even become a thing, Mary Favier of NPHET had been on Morning Ireland ā€œspeaking in a personal capacityā€ about the need to move to Level 5.

Iā€™d be interested to hear this story from his point of view

Thatā€™s a petulant response and you can do better than that.

The general guidance is stay two metres from people, even outdoors. It was designed with sneezing and coughing in mind.

Iā€™m not sure how long you need to spend within two metres of someone in an indoor setting in order to be considered a close contact but suffice it to say that people going up the diving boards and jumping off them in salthill werenā€™t within two metres of each other for probably even 30 seconds for Christ sake. Outdoors in the sun high up and maybe thereā€™s a bit of a breeze. I see no risk in it.

Itā€™s utter bollox that people canā€™t perceive that that was not a risky activity. It brought some semblance of normality and joy for a brief time and should have been let alone. It should have been encouraged. Instead you have the preachy ā€œunfortunately you donā€™t get to pick and choose social distancingā€ comments and social media haranguing and still images taken out of context and hysterical calls for new laws and fines and something to be done for godā€™s sake those people arenā€™t socially distanced.

Thatā€™s not a good way to live with covid. A good way to live with covid would be to encourage people to do safe activities that are safe while infection rates allow.

Some fucking people eh mate :joy:

you can do safe activities safely. Social distancing is the way you do them safely.