Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Would you now? Get onto Tesco for their security tape and you’ll see it went down as described. It was an over the top and uncalled for reaction.

Indeed it was.

Yeah, again, people jumping off a diving board outdoors is more than socially distanced enough.

people standing one after the other on the steps queuing for a go off the top isn’t though.
If you go in a shop there are markers for standing 2 metres apart while queuing etc

You decide what’s safe and what isn’t though.

We were walking the same way?

sorry mate. I didn’t know it was you with the mask

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Ok, consider it, how is a shop different to a diving board?

Because you were following him.

it’s bigger and you can stand further apart.

Do you think social distancing shouldn’t be followed outside or something?

No mate - that bit was a little bit of dramatic effect … but cancelled with the trutful part in brackets that says we just happened to walk the same way - I thought one of the top 5 smartest posters on here would see the little dash of nuance there.

It’s far far far more difficult to spread covid outdoors. Someone would essentially have to cough or sneeze on you. Indoors it spreads relatively easily from build up of breath, even from asymptomatic people, this doesn’t happen outdoors. The risk outdoors is extremely limited. Even indoors you have to be within two metres of someone for a significant period of time to be considered a close contact. Leaving aside the night and day difference that being outdoors makes, people on diving boards are within a small distance of each other for a very small amount of time. And all this at a time when infection rates are low.

So the risk is small to zero and it’s summer and people should be allowed some release. Instead you have people going “that’s not two metres! Eek!”

It’s not the same thing as being inside and shutting down the diving boards was a ridiculous and extreme overreaction.

so social distancing shouldn’t be practiced when numbers are low? I wonder what that will lead to?

Go and talk to any garda, they have zero intention of enforcing anything over Christmas. Expecting them to is perverse, theres many in Govt who actually understand this and then you have absolute numptys like Stehen Donnelly


I’ve spoken to a few guards in recent time’s and they’ve understandably washed their hands with it.

Ditto. Nphet would want to remember these lads signed up to catch actual criminals not families meeting for the Christmas or a fella having a pint. But the problem is of course zero covid merchants like Nphet have zero grounding in the real world

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And when I say that I found out this afternoon that my brother in law and his family are close contacts as a result of a case related to a funeral.

They are the current scapegoats from NPHET and the government with fuck all evidence. In particular in Limerick where the student population is being blamed when the hospital is riddled. Why is the hospital riddled? Goes back to years of underfunding and over crowding. Its no surprise it is a hot bed thanks to years of successive goverments ignoring the real issues.

In general the scapegoating and finger pointing from the powers that be is disgusting


There hasn’t been a single Covid related death in ICU in UHW Ardkeen. Which is quite extraordinary.

that is the result of contact tracing. They saw an outbreak related to the University. What do you want them to do? Lie and say there was no outbreak?

What scapegoating was there? They just reported that there was an outbreak in the hospital and an outbreak in the University

“There is a large outbreak linked with the hospital in Limerick so we are seeing cases in the community linked with that outbreak and we have also seen a very large outbreak linked with student activity in Limerick,” he said.

While, Dr Glynn did not elaborate, a Limerick GP says she is aware of “many parties” taking place over the past two weeks.

A GP and the Limerick leader are not the powers that be.

The additional UV in the south East has protected you…until now