Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

NPHET effectively is the HSE


Nor will anyone now after what has happened since Leo had his tantrum on Claire Byrne. May as well just hand over the running of the country to NPHET now.

Covid19 is the only show in town

This is well worth a look

its always black and white with PANDA


The Egg hasn’t a clue what’s going on :joy:


Ewan has been sharing tfk opinions this morning. Keep up the good work Ewan

They will do the same as they did during the last lockdown and we know how that turned out.

So the HSE have been sending texts to lads who have positive tests telling them to contact their close contacts. Aren’t a significant portion of these positive lads supposed to be on the flats of their backs struggling to breath their last with better things to be doing than texting their pals? Or am I missing something?


Will there be significantly more strain on care this winter from non-covid issues? I thought the reports from elsewhere indicated flu figures are massively reduced, as you would expect with increased mask wearing, hand hygiene and social distancing.

Even more so, what about the many people that they interacted with that they don’t know?

I’m reading between the lines on this and surmising that the contract tracers don’t work at the weekend and this is what caused the backlog.

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I know of a company that offered 100 staff to the hse and only 1 was required

Versus back in March? I would say so.

They want to avoid using surge capacity at all costs and shutting down other services

Yes, very important to not shut down other services. Very important.

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A group training sniffer dogs offered NPHET their services to train up dogs to check for the virus like they’ve done in Finland at the airport.

No thanks.

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No-one worked over the summer either it seems. Leave allowed as per normal would appear to have been the case.

Cc. @ahfuckitidontknowanymore

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When the contact tracers call you they leave it to you to determine who was a close contact. It’s all very subjective.