Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Have you a source on this?


Nphet will be delighted with the figures. The Dail will debate on Tuesday and the announcement that Christmas is cancelld to follow tomorrow week

Very concerning figures

Holohan wonā€™t let go until he has buried the pubs for good, we are looking at next summer

Poor old Mick gasping for a pint is in for a long Christmas

Just watching Dr Tony on RTE. I donā€™t have any social contacts to reduce! Everything is closed, I only go out to walk the dog, go to the supermarket or the school run.

Iā€™m getting very sick of this now.

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Donā€™t be looking at the schools, ye partied too much at Halloween guys

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donā€™t drop your guard at this stage, stay safe

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Weā€™ll have Christmas the weekend the clocks change again

George Lee calling anyone going into work a murderer


Employers letting lads into the office who need to get away from the wife for a couple of days are the problem now according to George Lee. Look at the traffic on the roads, says he, the car parks are full.


Simon Harris wants to be honest with us, he does think we can do more

Hope lies with breakfast-roll-man.

How does this pass the smell test? Contacts decreased from September but cases rocketed? All magically community transmission?

How are they assigning schools againā€¦?


Good luck so lads

Applying the exact same ā€œsocial distancingā€ rules in every situation is stupid and baseless.

The fucking schools are open George you stupid prick.

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NPHET like to pretend that schools donā€™t exist. Itā€™s the one they scared of Martin over.