Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Youd seriously have to question how long the public will tolerate that kind of shite.

Irish times

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I would say schools are contributing roughly 200 cases a day and will continue to while they are open. Either we accept that and drive on or we change course, whatever, but NPHET patently refusing even to ackowledge the issue is genuinely insane


There are enough useful idiots around to stoke it up every couple of days.

So the ā€œone reason or anotherā€ is actually hospitals? They talk such rubbish at this stage, proper journalists ears should be ringing when the results of Level 5 are apparently close contacts goes up.

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I would say lower but it is consistently contributing but they donā€™t want to admit it. The real shitlist thing they are doing is giving out to people that there is traffic on the roads when there are schools and construction going now & they have told people to avoid public transport.

The really glaring thing is that their COVID-19 Hospital Utilisation Planning they drew up has been a failure. Itā€™s actually a very interesting read but it has failed due to the linear thinking of the modellers and the limitations of PCR testing as a surveillance method.

This should boost morale and give everyone a lovely fluffy feeling whilst social distancing -

im absolutely balls deep in work and university and busy with this crowd here
TBH aside from not been able to go to spain or israel for a few weeks or mosey on over to the bookies this lockdown hasnt been much to us hereā€¦ ( noth clare and south co down sufficed tho)
when there was no school last spring it was a bit mental at times but aside from that and ok we cant go to a restaurant or few drinks here and there (she cant spend 500 quid in zara in belfast on a saturday). i must say i coouldnt give two fucks about the lockdownā€¦
soccer is still going on here for the kids - theyā€™re all still out playing togther and coming and out of the house on saturdayā€¦ in the first one allright the kids didnt play together but nobody gives a shit anymore really

the only thing that bothered me was the over 35s gah was stopped and at the start i was disappointed we couldnt get to a few football championship games but ffs ā€¦ now i couldnt care lessā€¦ and thats not from apathy btw

St Tonyā€™s day

Sure there was no where orange to go to anyway

Canaries are orange.

Canaries can be all sorts of colours mate. I donā€™t see what it has to do with anything though

Keep the schools opened so we have more educated people claiming the dole for the next 20 years is very forward thinking.

If the schools are closed the country grinds to a halt. They are 100% correct to keep them open IMO. But they then have to accept that numbers canā€™t really get beyond a certain point


Agreed schools should not close.

I do think there should have been in built flexibility, however.

Closing schools for an extra week is a lever you can use that can have benefits. Sadly the failure to communicate risk in April and May, gross immaturity by sections of the public and teachers unions have ensured that we are not honest about it. The risk is low, but there is transmission, if you are going to make crazy targets then you need them closed.

The prospect of teachers getting any more time off would drive people so mental everyone is willing to put up with higher case numbers. Of course this also shows that the virus isnā€™t taken all that seriously.

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Iā€™d be on for giving them 2 weeks off at Christmas to be honest. Leave them open the rest of the year alright.

2 week circut break for the North from Friday

But they are going to open up more stuff before that :grinning:

Its the nordie way