Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

What ya reckon kid? New addition to the fleet


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They are “casual contacts”

A GP offered their services for contact tracing and was asked for their leaving cert results.

Predicted grades before or after the code was fixed?

I think this might open a whole load of questions the media will pick up on properly. Chris Johns of the Irish Times is asking them.

Glued to the news at 6pm, 9pm and then Prime time or Clare Byrne 
 gasping at the daily figures in dibelief.

#ZeroCovid #CrushTheCurve


We don’t lead on anything with Covid.

Aside from Jack Lambert’s point on Finland which was crazy, the Aer Cap CEO was talking about how an Irish company were helping American Airlines to roll out rapid testing for flights. He asked correctly why an aviation leading country, the most open economy in the world, an island nation and one in fear of Brexit would not take the lead on this when we are (nominally) claiming to be keeping borders open.

Humanity has been in terminal decline for some time now, but to think we have reached a stage in the “civilised world” (I say this, because lets be honest, children are dying daily around the world in horrible circumstances) that we’d allow this to happen, in the name of this pandemic, well it beggars belief.

Crush the Curve indeed.


“A contingency planning failure of epic proportions.”

NPHET is not fit for purpose.

This was posted a few days ago.

Were her surgeons out on the piss or shopping?

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Imagine the anger if Sky Sports went on the PUP and you’re left with ----------------

Mick Martin at Leader’s Questions there admitting he only found out that contact tracing has collapsed completely when someone sent him a text about it with a link to the Irish Times article. You literally couldn’t make it up. :joy:


American Football is streamed on multiple media platforms pal
 i’d be alright


Poor Eoghan is cracking under the pressure

at 12 o clock tonight I will lead the forum in the national anthem, time to don the green jersey and flatten the curve


Do they not just apply a figure to a global population crudely when it comes to flu?

Inspirational if a little Simon Harris-esque. Four Green Fields up next so them Nordies can’t say we’ve left them behind this time. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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