Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

His own or the barbers?

Mary “maybe we are right and all the other countries are wrong” Wilson


Mick O’Leary would sort her out

Mary Wilson should be running the NPHET.

These vaccines seem to be getting less effective, there was one a couple of weeks ago that they reckoned was 95% effective I thought?

It’ll be like buying a new set of tyres, you can have the UK vaccine for €60, but a good set of Modernas will cost you €85.


I’ve not clicked into that nor will I bother I’d say. “Forcibly taken down” :smile:

One for ironmoth and the tinfoil hat brigade I’d say.

Where are you seeing they are less effective ?

They were just on about this one in Radio 1

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Seems decent overall, people would have been happy enough with that a while ago.

Bit awkward if they give you this muck over the gold standard.

Gerry and Sean are fuming, can we set up a gulag for buskers?

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Its a bit strange, and worrying, that the Government is seeking independent verification of NPHET data.

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Perhaps they suspect they are not getting the full picture from NPHET, as they seem to be down playing the risk of infection in the areas they are responsible for.

Always handy also to have external consultants to blame for delivering bad news

If that’s a suspicion they need to tear NPHET apart. They seem to be politically unwilling to take any action against NPHET, probably because of its popularity among some.

Be some ballsy govt that would rip apart their National Public Health Emergency Team in the middle of a global pandemic.

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NPHET still probably enjoy the support of the majority going by various vox pops and polls on the likes of Primetime.

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