Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

True. Not that those vox pops are representative.

Hail Hail

will Pools & gyms be open?


One of the lads at work who had the virus in March still has “high levels of antibodies” (I haven’t a clue what that means) as of yesterday.

Only stupid people answer polls. They are the results of the opinions of stupid people

The majority of people are stupid


Sure look at who vote into the dail

@glasagusban can you let us know when you get a response.

Good lad.

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Damn students!!

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You’d wonder where this 8 years to develop a vaccine came from.

From the Indo today.

How the vaccines will work

So far there have been press releases on three vaccines, including Pfizer, Moderna and the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab. But scientific data has not been published yet. It appears the vaccines may not stop a person being infected but will prevent those who get the virus from getting ill. That means a person who has got the vaccine could still transmit the virus to somebody else. Hence the need for physical distancing, mask-wearing and hand-washing for a long time to come.

Regina actually mentioning the ‘big elephant in the room’ on Newstalk here.

Ah Ffs sake.

Your daily reports are a breath of fresh air compared to @TreatyStones

A picture tells a thousand words.

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Damn student nurses. Working on the frontline for free during a pandemic