Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

@Tank toned it down a bit I thought

He ran for Fine Gael in local elections before. I’d say his view is shared privately by plenty of FG members, but they’re on this horse now and there doesn’t appear to be any turning back.

I’m trying the Zen

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We are, where we are

Holy mother of God.



When exactly?
This is fuckin shambolic.


So they’re all still writing each other letters in this day and age. Do these guys not have meetings where they go through items like this?

They bring in level 5 as they made a balls of every plan. It would take FF to ruin the country as they couldn’t run a bath

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But but but…SF

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It wasn’t me that brought up Sinn Fein mate

NPHET can afford to cost economy literally billions a week but cannot afford to properly contact trace.

NPHET is the HSE in a surgical mask.


It is ridiculous, but you write letters so you have copies, they are signed for and the other crowd can’t say they weren’t received or read or delivered. Standard enough really.

I do enjoy the thoughts of NPHET made up almost entirely of senior members of the HSE & the department of health writing a letter to themselves basically. Popping it in the letter box, smiling triumphantly and exclaiming we can’t do much more

Headed to the gym for the last time. Can’t go to the pub, to a restaurant, can’t visit my family, can’t go to a hurling match, can’t go on holiday, can’t decide who is or isn’t allowed into the apartment I rent (thank god rent is so cheap in Dublin) and can’t go more than 5k without justifying it to a police officer.

This will be remembered at the ballot box


Yet when the focus is on government and there decision makin process, you prefer to talk about an opposition party with no power to make any policy choice. It would be odd but we know you have an agenda.

Who’s in charge exactly?

every cloud


my Lawn Tennis Club remains OPEN


I have written at length my dissatisfaction at the government. My post was making the point that no opposition party being willing to question any NPHET decisions is not helping matters