Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)


Bizarre photo chosen by RTÉ for that article

Lukey a step away from proposing banning gravey

In fairness the amount of gravy that Irish roasters sweat out has been scientifically linked to more Covid transmission.


Most of the lads giving out about restrictions on the family chrimbo dinner will be the very lads posting here all day in case they cause a row at the annual get together


this cunt for real???

Fuck that cunt. I must dust down that game of twister that’s in the attic in preparation for Christmas.

Stick grandpa by the window and have a good breeze blowing through.

If you don’t kill him with COVID you’ll give him pneumonia at the very least, sitting in front of an open window for 8 hours a day in December.

Since the announcements of various vaccines last week the sound bites have changed to the vaccine won’t lead to our old life coming back and will not prevent this deadly disease.

Whats the story with this now, I thought we were in these increased restrictions/lidtf or whatever you want to call it until a vaccine is rolled out. Why have the goal posts now being moved?

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Do the vaccines stop you transmitting the virus or do they just stop you getting sick? I’ve seen conflicting statements.

Surely not getting sick should be enough for us to get on with our lives?

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I’d imagine the less sick you get the less likely you are to transmit it?

The goal posts have been on the move since day 1

The bigger question for me is, how long before we are back to normal once it’s introduced?

Was talking with friends and some think it will take a good long while.

My view was as soon as vulnerable people and health workers are vaccinated we can all be let loose to do whatever the fuck we want. Some friends saying, yeah but long covid, and you can still get very sick and long term after affects etc. Including from doctors.

I’d be happy enough to take my chances with it to be honest as soon as I have a fair idea I’m not going to be a vectore to kill anyone.

Has there been much discussion on how this will play out yet?

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Stop you getting sick .

Stops you getting sick, for example nobody who got the vaccine in the AZ trial was hospitalized. Whether being vaccinated stops you transmitting the virus is unknown at this point, for the period between getting the vaccine and developing immunity you could be contagious if infected.

UK’s latest restriction tiers will be in effect until end of March, and I expect they will be in a position to roll out the vaccine quicker than Ireland.

Their tier 1 is not too bad relative to what we currently have - most retail and services open and a few thousand at matches, but presumably will be another few months beyond March before it loosens further.

Going by that, I reckon much of next year will have some forms of restrictions in place in Ireland.

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If you can jab the vulnerable then have the regeneron anti bodies for anyone else who gets a bad dose, we’ll be a long way down the road

I’d expect it to be summertime before the living is easy. But we should get back to mostly normal by March or so.

Flatten the curve. We are in this together.

Hopefully that’s the case but I would be surprised if there is a full house at the Munster final next year for example.

We could have table service in pubs for a good while to come, but that’s a lot closer to normal than where we are obviously.