Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

The Spanish expected a ā€œnew phaseā€ by April/May with Pfizer alone.

We are receiving the exact same number of vaccines per head as them along with younger demographics (thus assuming we will have more ā€œspareā€). Combined with AZ and Moderna, I would be very confident of a return to normality by April.

Their latest is that they expect pretty much anyone who wants a vaccine to have it by the end of June.

These long Coviders morons need to stfu.


The next two years will be crucial

The fear is that we get dragged down by naysayers and doom and gloom merchants. Its happening already. The same people who wanted zero covid and virus suppression until a vaccine arrived are the same ones who are picking holes in it already. Life will go on in different countries but Irelands fear index will be carefully massaged for next couple of years.


I think the Gah will end up swapping the calendars again and putting club first so that we are into August before the championship throws in. Makes way more sense from the POV of getting crowds in

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Empty hospitals will make it impossible for them to argue.

We donā€™t actually even know what the threshold for herd immunity is but vaccination of 25% of the Irish population essentially ends any hospitalisation issue. I actually expect given general population exposure already that many places are really not that far off already.

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When a vaccine seemed years away we were told this was our life til a vaccine arrived. Now a vaccine has arrived the medical junta wonā€™t want to give up their power too easily.


No one ever gives up power willingly. We made it too easy for these lads

Iā€™m wondering will we have crowds at matches and festivals by summer.

Wexford will be fucked without a crowd anyway.

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These morons believe we can cheat death. Frightened of their own mortality. Any of us can drop dead at anything despite being young and as we belive healthy. Not to sound like Brenda on Facebook but life is for living not living in fear of your own shadow

As the great Petyr Baelish once said, donā€™t wory about your death, worry about your life.


There isnā€™t a hope of festivals Iā€™d imagine. Their profit margins couldnā€™t handle reduced numbers.

What date are the pubs that serve food opening up for Christmas?

Gastro pubs should get the green light next week. The rest will follow on the 14th

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I can just about live with that.

Subject to NPHET not continuing to pull figures out their holes

190 positive swabs out of 10,051
1.89% positivity

10 pints and a Jameson please bar keep.


What Iā€™m wondering is how does the public health advice develop.

In my view, once the people at risk of dying have been vaccinated there is no longer any justification for restrictions. Lots of people dying justifies restrictions. A good few people getting a bit sick doesnā€™t.

So once the vulnerable are vaccinated, is there any justification not to allow crowds at matches, concerts, festivals, raves etc?

What will the step down be and how long will it last? What other considerations are there? Do we have to have a phasing in period to return to normal? Do we need a few months to reassure ourselves the vaccine has been effective?


Wow, serious drop.

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Panic stations at NPHET