Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Level 5 is working. We need to keep this going.

We need more levels!

Be interesting to see if the numbers reflect that. Give a bit of ammo to the open it up ta fuck ministers

Keep pubs closed until two weeks before Christmas. Open them until the 6th of January and then lock us away for another month. Something in that for everyone

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Need to put some frosted glass on Tony’s window to stop him being distracted by bogeymen on Baggot St

Pubs open Saturday

There won’t be any pubs open until 2021. Stop codding yourselves.

Post reported. This fella is part of the Junta

Thats more or less the plan

Who’s plan? What are the chances of it in reality?

The politician are for it, NPHET are agin’ it, pretty much that simple. All comes down to the figures receding and the Govt standing up to NPHET

I read they won’t allow food cooked externally to be served in pubs, so places can’t tie in with a local chipper etc

They’ll tie themselves in knots and look like right apes



I don’t think not letting pubs open will fly again. Or having food pubs but not pub pubs.

Yes and theres talk that you have to be able to prove you were serving food in 2019 or some shit like that, ie you didn’t just buy a 200euro pizza oven off Used Bar and Catering equipment Co during the Summer.
I know some lads out the country were cooking or having big pots of stew and the like off premises and bringing them in the morning and away you go. Its stuff like that too they are trying to stop, miserable cunts that they are

What if you were a new bidness?

That’s no metric at all.

What are the anxiety chart levels. That’s all that matters.

Great stuff off Conor again. I wired him €500 and sent him a photo. I really hope I haven’t been duped by a confidence trickster.

I’m sure thats been trashed out as we speak