Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

What about the 4.325 day incidence?

We might get there yet

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And the car park across the road?

We are going to do it

The cases are falling, and the deaths are plummeting (again) but my worry now is the worry index. The nuance is through the roof with this NPHET stuff

That would be riots on kildare Street stuff for the publicans surely. How could the year you bought your saucepan have any effect on how likely punters are to get covid. Seriously??

That’s actually incredible

Fantastic, this is going to be a great day.

Doubt it

€150 fine for attending a house party. €80 for not wearing a mask where required. €500 if you organise a house party.

Cc @Mac :joy:


Have we even had a “second wave” from September to now when you consider the deaths vs March and April.

Level 5 wasnt justified at all in my view second time round.

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Level 5 doesn’t belong in civilized society

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A 100e fine for being more than the allowed distance from your house. Jesus wept

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These fines will be a badge of honor in years to come.

This better be a joke

What’s the point now. Sure they’re changing things in a week again

They’re for the third level 5 lockdown coming on the 2nd January, mate.

Little out with that wan