Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Cc @Tassotti

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It’s an odd avenue to take.

Opposition parties have absolutely no ability to do anything. Maybe just keep focusing on the people with the ability to dictate policy and make decisions rather than trying to deflect blame on to those with no authority to.

It’s like blaming a lad sitting on the bench for not going well at training because the chap starting ahead of him is having a stinker.

Adolf Holohan is the de facto Taoiseach


Opposition parties put pressure on government parties. Do you think the government would have restored the PUP to €350 a week without Sinn Fein’s pressure? (which was the right thing to do)

If there was an opposition party giving an alternative to the view that NPHET are right about everything then there wouldn’t be as much pressure on the government to follow their advice


Alan Kelly has been the best opposition figure from a mainstream party


Opposition parties are not in government, they cannot make government policy and as you know in most cases, what they do or say has zero impact on government policy or decisions.

It’s an utterly bizarre outlook but we know your agenda is to deflect to SF at every opportunity. You cannot blame opposition parties for government mistakes. FFG have been making them for decades but you seem more worried about what the opposition parties say?

Utterly bizarre.

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I hate being one of those people but they recruited their Oireachtas staff and Government advisors quick smart.

The issue goes beyond recruitment though, they redeployed staff in August due to “low cases”.

Do you think the government would have restored the PUP to €350 a week on their own?

@EstebanSexface mentioned Sinn Fein, not me.

Just as you can’t point to an alternative party as being better when they aren’t giving any alternative view

They were stealing them from other departments rather than hire a few contractors in on rolling contracts to do a job which with all due respect could easily be done by someone with a weeks training

Not even Covid 19 can bring down the NFL!

Nobody accountable for it.

NPHET needs to be cut down to about 5 people and one of those should be totally responsible for Test & Trace with a budget to match. Everyone hiding away and not claiming responsibility.

I’d like it better when Ajay and lads from the IMF were running the show

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Hang on now? Is it nphets mandate to implement the test and trace?

As far as I was aware they were wholly advisory, here HSE, government, ye need test and trace.

Initially they looked to fill the roles from within the public service, ie minimal additional cost. More recently they retained CPL recruitment to hire in a load of contractors, and the contracts accidentally had zero hours type employee protections. Now to save face they’ll probably end up bringing people in on improved terms and it wouldn’t surprise me if some of these join the permanent layer of HSE admin staff.

I quoted your post.

You were focusing on SF, go back and have a look at the post you made.

It’s utterly bizarre to be focusing on SF like you were when they have absolutely no authority to make decisions or policy. Foucs on those who do.

Listen we know you have an agenda, it’s very transparent even if you try to deny it. Don’t make an idiot out of yourself by trying to pretend otherwise.

It needs to be outsourced to an American private company, that seems to be the way its going with everything else. Why should those fuckers be getting all the cream

I replied to a post which referenced SF, I didn’t bring them up. Read again

you said the opposition.

Exactly. Labour, SF, Social Democrats and PBP all get plenty of airtime to make their views known and none of them are providing an alternative view. That’s fair enough if they think everything NPHET do is correct but its annoying for those of us that question some of their decisions that there is nobody that does this in the Dail bar a few parish pump independents.

Alan Kelly in fairness has voiced some reservations about restrictions at times

Like surely the time could have been building a panel of people who in turn could be trained and be on standby to cope with surges? Obviously some of these people may become unavailable over time but that is easily resolved. It’s only a bit of admin work in maintaining the panel.

You need elasticity. Martin is saying they hope to be down the 50 cases a day in December. What happens the tacers then? What happens when there is a surge in January?