Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Hon Holohan, proper enforcement at last

Kim Jong Holohan is out of control


What do you mean?

News just said 226 cases there

You’ll need an excuse. Also need the arse pocket of every pair of trousers you own to have a mask within

Swabs and cases are always different, but the swabs give an indication of likely case numbers.

I offer my apologies and resignation from this thread.

Hopefully all these fines and punishments don’t create a blame culture

Hopefully the fines increase by €50 for young people, GAA members, students, drinkers and people parked across the road from Tony

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And people who park arseways and take two spots

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How are they going to implement this? What if you dont pay the fine? Does it fall under public order offences?

You were correct. Unfortunately there were also 6 deaths.

Guards are going to be issued with card payment machines from the weekend. Contactless payment if at all possible.

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Never ever apologise and your sick here for life

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Do they take revoult?

They’ll be “disappeared” by The Junta.

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I expect the guards to continue their common sense approach and not enforce this nonsense apart from extreme circumstances.


Astro pitches back open for business. Badly need a run out


I thought this was a piss take. He’s serious. Fucking hell lads.