Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Unfortunately, some of what we have experienced will be normalised.

No harm. If I never have to shake hands with some cunt that has just picked his nose then that’ll be just fine.

If hoolahan wants to win back the hearts and minds of the country than he needs to ban weddings for another 18 months

Until the backlog is cleared you’ll be going to weddings on Thursdays

Be great if lockdown was lifted and weddings were banned. Perfect scenario.

I’d love a wedding now. Was supposed to be at one last Friday, had even made the cut when the numbers were 50 but not when they were 25. A night of some sort of normality would have been nice. Supposed to be at another one this Friday.
Was dreading the week originally. Fuck it I’d have loved it now :grin:

I’ve one new year’s day. Apparently they have been told they can do the thing that caused woulfegate

Listening to the speeches from behind the partition :laughing:

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Some comeback from Galway, fuck you Covid

Bookshop woman on the tonight show, she’s not Tomas Ryans mott by any chance?

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The voice decibels will raise now as her zero Covid shite and keeping in a lockdown will be challenged

WOD is the man to soften her cough, the original ROD

Cribbo is on tonight afaik, I hope she hangs around

Willie wants his pints back.


Is this wan the same eejit that was on about her bookshop doing click and collect last week?

Open it up ta fuck says Willie

She is

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He’s dead right but you’d wonder how FF let Willie O’Dea on this