Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

As far as I can make out the restriction have been eased if anything, for 2 meter anyway
Still waiting on more detail

Did McConkey say that his mother is from Monaghan? Fuck me, I’ve never been as embarrassed in my life.


This is where you draw the line?!

I’ve complied with their shit mostly but this is fucking ridiculous. It’s going to cause a load of problems now and confrontations with people not wearing them.

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You’ve not stepped over the line at all, all this time?

One would wonder why masks are so important all of a sudden.

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We’re wearing them here outdoors for about seven weeks and they’re not making much difference to case numbers. Young women in particular seem to have a problem in covering their nose and mouth with them.

It’s all theatre kid.


I said mostly didn’t I.

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I’m here for you, pal.

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I was disgusted with that.

‘We are not where we want to be. The target that NPHET set. 100 cases or less a day. There is a high risk of mortality as they said in their letter to the government yesterday. That’s the risk we are taking’.

This coming from an independent journalist after an announcement by Government which is extremely tough for them in an unprecedented time of them trying to keep everything together, whatever you may say about them,

Of course NPHET set the target and made a balls out of the length of it.

As I sent to my brother FUCK OFF LEE


Someone would want to call the Head of News in for a chat.

Throw a retirement party for him

What annoys me the most about these restrictions is they make no fucking sense. How is it any different if the food comes from the place next door than if it comes from the pub ffs. Or for that matter how is it any different if there’s any food at all. All it means is more people in less space


Are the Tipp lads still allowed to ayte with their hands?


That is a very bitter, mean-spirited regulation. How are you more likely to get infected eating food if it comes from next door? And no journalist questioning it.

It comes down to a restaurant setting versus a pub setting. A restaurant setting is more controlled. Which it is,

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Given that wet pubs were open for around a month since March there seems to be very little ‘data’ to support this though.