Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Yeah a 100 a day was the target. Philip Nolan did say after the first 3 weeks that he expected cases to be down to 250 a day and that by the end of the 6 weeks to be around 50 a day. 100 was the worst case scenario. I think in making their predictions they haven’t acknowledged the extent to which schools and the mass movement of people that entails at 8-9 and 4-5 everyday.

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And they never acknowledged testing numbers or positivity.

Nolan is a busted flush at this stage, Level 5 did not go how they intended.


How has this only 8 likes in 2 hours. Shame on you all.

Have we the lowest numbers in Europe?
Are we the first country in Europe that has come out of it’s lockdown?

Fairly good job done, all told

Are we the country in Europe with the longest lockdown? Is Dublin the only capital in Europe whose bars have been shut since March?

Answer my questions first, like a good man

Have we the lowest numbers in Europe? I don’t know but I’ll take your word for it. We are the first out because we were the first in by weeks.

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Level 5 is a busted flush by their own definition.

Cases did not go down to what they expected they would and close contacts increased. Test positivity had already decreased from 7.3% to 5% by the time it came in. Cases were falling when NPHET had expected them to increase right into November.

Hospitalisations had peaked pre Level 5. NPHET’s modelling of even the lower band of hospitalisations was off by nearly 30%.

It was the fear driven into the population in October and the ban on household visits that decreased cases.

There’s no point in NPHET moaning about the public altering their behaviour, that’s part and parcel of restrictions, and we know they were monitoring “worry” into October when it increased rapidly. They didn’t wait to see the impact of Level 3 and what’s even more disgraceful, they never presented the Government with the implications of it. As in their own words “Level 3 would not work”.

NPHET had a desire to return to March to May time but it wasn’t possible, they should have anticipated it. Sure Holohan delayed Lockdown 1.0 for these reasons;

We will need people to comply with those arrangements and if we start things early, people get fatigued with them, they cause significant hardship socially and economically and the compliance levels go down and they lose their effectiveness.

NPHET have got themselves muddled with half baked modelling.

Closing down retail was a very costly mistake.

And in fairness to NPHET, I can actually understand their worry on December as we still have a very susceptible population, but they live in a land of perpetual lockdowns which just doesn’t cut the mustard. You can only play the fear card so many times and you can only keep the economy dormant for so long.


You are a hero Tim.

I would love to vote for @Tim_Riggins to end the lockdown, disband the League of Ireland and take Ireland into the Commonwealth.

With some really cold weather coming towards the end of the week, could it kill off “the virus”?

Cold weather killing viruses in a MYTH.


Claire Byrne has jumped the shark. About time that she was called out for the relentless shite features.

Traffic was noticeably busier this morning in Limerick & Chipp. Good to see it.

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Damn you. I was looking for a crumb of hope there, just a crumb that everything would be open for Christmas and as Enda like to say “We can all party”.

We’ll have a vaccine to the disease 99% of people survive soon mate


We will potentially be back up at around 800 cases a day by Christmas.
The only hope in keeping the numbers down will be reduced tracing and testing over the holidays.

Tagged twice in one morning?

A bit of a tangent from your post, but related to it, there’s this guy with virtue-signaling disorder who posts on an online forum about all sorts of things that really bother him. It can range from travelers and homosexuals one day, to education and the church the next. The Internet makes it all so much worse because the guy can go onto various sites and see literally thousands of other virtue-signaling people screaming about the same things, which makes it ok for him to label people. He loves labels.

Anyway, he’s a cunt like @glasagusban.

Schools being off should help

Won’t be here in time to save Christmas and by that I don’t mean getting to meet the family, I mean heading out to pubs and clubs.