Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Heā€™ll be drinking the bleach next.

199 positive swabs from 9,767 tests.
2.04% positivity

Theyā€™ll really be scrambling to push it above 200 cases tonight.

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Good one.

In fairness, arguably that looks like prescience now.

Depends what lens you look at it through I suppose. You could argue we should have went in a month earlier or not opened up at all and case numbers would be down even further.

Christ. Iā€™m agreeing with Lucinda Creighton here. Iā€™m beginning to question myself.

You could look at it any way really. I think we made a fuck of it in lots of ways and I have been hugely critical of NPHET and the government, but pretty much all of Europe is in lockdown and we have better figures than all of them currently.

Yeah most of Europe opened up far more and for longer than we did though trying to balance living with existing. It will be a while before we know who got the balance more right than others.

True. I am very much of the view we maintained more restrictions than were necessary for a long time, and many that were proven not to be effective. What shouldnā€™t be lost is how many more people died in Ireland in the first wave than most other comparable places.

Not enough died, according to some.

Is that a pisstake?


Wash yeā€™re hands.

Looks like itā€™s trueā€¦

There were 269 new cases and 18 further Covid-19 deaths reported by the National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) on Tuesday. Of these deaths, one was in October, 15 were in November and one is under investigation.

Not sure how they can explain the huge daily variances in numbers of deaths.

So nobody died from Covid today but 18 deaths are announced including 2 that they donā€™t know if it was Covid or not?

Time for Holohan to get serious about this thing, 18 families are in mourning tonight


How can 18 be confirmed when 2 remain under investigation?

Do the numbers come from NPHET or the government?

Well theyā€™re dead arenā€™t they?

Iā€™ve just had a sudden realisation of how fucking mad this is.

A certain percentage of people who enter hospital die, Lord have mercy on them. This percentage is higher for old people, Lord have mercy on them too. Simultaneously, a certain percentage of people who enter hospital also get Covid. When these two groups overlap itā€™s called a covid19 death and Archbishop Holohan puts me under house arrest.