Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

How many if the 18 would have been killed by the flu? Considering there us no cases if it in ireland this year?

Are you talking about Warrenpoint or kilmichael?


Yeah but someone has to take the blame

Absolute insanity that the airports are open.

I look forward to someone putting this to Hot Lips Holohan at the next NPHET press conference.

Mad to think soon Holohan will be no longer on tv and will just be remembered as that cervical check guy

Is it safe to say he was the most cervical blood on his hands?

I donā€™t think thatā€™s true.

Theyā€™ll still be some unfortunates going around in Tony Holohan pyjamas. Or Tony Holohan as Superman t-shirts.

Itā€™s tantamount to a genocide of the Irish people

Someone made a point that eventually NPHET would go the way of the Fiscal Advisory Council. Putting out missives advocating prudence while being roundly ignored. That is some way off however

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I doubt I would pay much attention to them at this stage. Iā€™ve been giving out about the Garda checkpoint as you head northbound on the M1. It was causing massive tailbacks and I think it also caused an accident last week.

It was gone as soon as the restrictions changed yesterday but the actual travel restrictions havenā€™t changed yet so why take the checkpoint away?

Got stopped twice on the way up this morning.

They need to start pulling their weight.

Serious win for Boris with the vaccine. Weā€™ll be broke but weā€™ll be vaccinated.

Fuck the EU.

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You cunt :smile: