Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Numbers today?

Is this shite still lead news features wise?

A young fella called @Thomas_Brady gave me a great bit advice to just get on with life & living.

It would be some craic if the Brits lob this vaccine out and then the EU refuses to certify it.

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Say Pfizer have 20m of them going around. The Brits might have the whole lot gone if it’s a first past the post job

Once the vaccine is rolled out, what are lads on this thread going to do with all their free time?


Moan like fuck at the next thing that comes along

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That’s the amazing thing there’ll be a certain type of lunatic desperately hoping there’s another pandemic .

Moan about the lockdown that was

I’m sure FG can find some family members who can profit out of this first before they haste this through.

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If only we knew of a refrigeration company director from North Tipp who would have adequate cold storage for vaccines. Possibly an ex FG TD who can be called on now and again to cast a critical vote on government business.


FF will have to get Larry Goodman in on the action too.

All alcohol should be banned until next February or March.

The Chinese were lying all along, who would of thought it.

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Italy on Thursday announced national travel restrictions for the Christmas holidays designed to limit the spread of Covid-19 in the European country first hit by the pandemic.
The new rules, together with an existing curfew and other regulations already in place, seek to curb circulation throughout the country during the festive period by limiting the number of gatherings.

“If we let down our guard now, the third wave is just around the corner,” the health minister, Roberto Speranza, told parliament on Wednesday.

Travel between Italy’s regions will be prohibited from 21 December until 6 January, with people barred from travelling outside their own towns on 25 and 26 December and 1 January.

The decree includes the “strong recommendation” to avoid hosting those who do not live together.

Other regulations set to be signed later on Thursday are expected to mandate a 10-day quarantine for those arriving in Italy from foreign countries, beginning on December 20.

The move is in part designed to prevent Italians from travelling to ski slopes that are still open in neighbouring EU countries.

Are they giving Santa Claus a travel exemption?

Hopefully so… I think we’ve all earned a present this year.

Naples will be burned down

Do the Italians not believe in that Mediterranean witch who comes a few days after Christmas and gives them all an orange?

By the sounds of things, the Italians had given up on the latest restrictions. Will be interesting how this goes.