Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

they’re up around the same death rate as the first wave already

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Cousin of mine is on placement there and has tested positive.

Approx 50 cases between staff and patients.

Hard to believe but people who should be isolating are still going into public places… Herself’s cousin is a doc and she said she catches a third of her patients out and about when she or her staff are ringing them to give back results. That’s happening right across the country she said…a lady was in Tesco yesterday when they rang with positive results.

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Them bleeding students

Took the mask off to answer the phone too no doubt.

i suppose if they were actually sick they’d be at home in the bed- you get a few sniffles- right shur ill do this test, wake up in the morning, right gotta go to work, feed the kids and that sneeze i had yesterday is gone… you’re not going to get under the bed / up in the attic and assume in 24 years time you’ll have the long covid,
its a farce- they call you back- “hey tom you’re positive there,” - and you’re feeling grand- what are you going to do, think about the minute possibility you might actually murder someone with the virus?

nobody apart from those aged folk who are incarcerated in nursing home actually have any issue-chances are you wont meet them … unless you are @Gman 's second cousin’s mother’s 18 year old who had it, rode half a camogie team and there was an alleged culling in a nursing home after that… unlikley we’ll agree


that’s not quite necessarily true now @mickee321 from a man who prides himself on accuracy

Statistic: Cumulative rate of laboratory-confirmed COVID-19-associated hospitalizations in the United States as of September 26, 2020, by age group (per 100,000 population) | Statista
Find more statistics at Statista

These are the hospitalizations by age per 100k in the USA.

It’s weird the way it seems to jump up and down depending on the day.

Probably had it under the chin or hanging on the one ear.

We were testing 20,000 a day at one stage. Why aren’t they using the extra capacity in at risk settings?

Wednesday always seems to be the worst day lately.

And a good refrigeration Contractor at that.

We do reactive well. We don’t do proactive.

Level 3 is working


183 cases - cancel the €9 meal

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The computer says no (corona virus).

George Gee delighted to report the numbers are under reported due to an IT Glitch