Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Lee saying it’s at least 100 :joy::joy:

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‘Numbers are still high’ he says as we still record the lowest numbers in Europe


Big numbers for the next few weeks as correction. Pulled out of Tony’s hole

Seems to be no time limit @Lazarus on pubs and restaurants once you have food?

Would you believe that’s exactly what I said to my wife, except it was prefaced with “Would you listen to this bollox”


So long as you’re 2meter. Although just because there’s no time limit does not mean establishments still won’t apply them

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I made a booking for food and drinks next week and was given a 105 minute slot in the confirmation email.

I see that. A lot of places giving tables for two hours which is fair enough if they need to turnover

What is been done to Irish pubs is like something out of the 1700’s, not even Cromwell achieved it, why are ye letting it happen?

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Ashutosh at fault again

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Don’t tell me the ran out of rows on the auld spreadsheet.

Not a single case of flu in Ireland yet.

Be interesting when this ends to see the effect of lockdowns, hygiene and social distancing on other infectious diseases.

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Unfortunately the country will be riddled with cancer though. I had a chat with my lad there on Monday when I went in for my check up. He reckons they’re going to be up the walls next year


I think that’s true unfortunately. Lot of tests and procedures delayed.

Pal of mine went into hospital at weekend with headache. Brain tumour. Running tests this week. Two young kids.

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Christ. I hope it works out. An lad I knew who got diagnosed the same time as me(pancreatic) died there yesterday. He was only 54. It kind of hit me, how lucky I was


Tough. Pancreatic seems a bad one.

Fair fucks to you. Great to see you out having pints again.

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155,000 missed screenings this year. Cancer diagnosis down 60%. Poor people made poorer. A steep rise in mental health issues. Across the globe millions predicted to die in the third world.

It’s a fair oul experiment this lockdown stuff.


The lockdown is to help make sure other hospital services can operate in some fashion

Brazilians living 10 to a room here on Prime Time.