Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Very true the mother was diagnosed again recently after 8 years very slow to get the treatment started

The jacks must take some battering.

The sustained shutdown of hospital services was beyond contempt. The overly long lockdown left a mark on the country that only Covid mattered.

It will be interesting if things actually kick on over Christmas. I know that the annual cancellation of ā€œnon essentialā€ medical care because of flu season used to be a handy one for getting a few extra days off at Christmas for my surgeon pal.


The student nurses going off on one. Even though theyā€™re getting unreal experience. As students.

Surely more than a headache to get him into the hospital? I suffer from migraine but would get a shallow headache nearly every other day.

They will have to besiege limerick on the 13th all going well :beers::beers:

Really bad headache and a tingle in his arm. GP didnā€™t like it and referred him.

Heard about a fella who died in an accident few weeks ago. He was in life support and the family made the tough decision, they waited a few days as they wanted to donate the organs. A young healthy man so it was the best they can do. They were told there was no transplants occurring in ireland or Britain. At that point only 150 transplants took place in ireland this year as opposed to 450 to that point typically.


At least they arenā€™t in co-living


In some fashion? What does that mean if cancer screenings were stopped or reduced to a trickle? Is someone dying from a missed or late cancer diagnosis less important than someone dying from covid?

Netflix style NPHET documentary coming soon to a screen near you.
Featuring Simon Harris

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Harris said he felt a sense of loss when he was no longer going to be Health Minister.

I think I better not watch this when itā€™s aired, stay zen.

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This could divide the forum in ways never before imaginable

Lockdowns are barbaric


Probably should be agreement that all forum members do not watch it

Tuesday night at 9. Iā€™ll be shocked if even one TFKer watches to be honest.
Obviously I have to for research

It was understandable at the start with the scenes coming from Bergamo but to continue with it when it was apparent that wasnā€™t happening here was an utter disgrace. The fact that more people will likely die from the reaction to covid than from covid itself is becoming chillingly clear.


Perhaps the greatest over reaction in human history, in the full glare of Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Govt etc.
Lets hope theres not too much of a counter over reaction when the dust truly settles


There will have to be a massive MSM propaganda effort to convince people that it was all worth it.

Weā€™re heading back into lockdown here lads, three more weeks looking likely. All the way to Christmas day. The first six month lockdown didnā€™t eradicate the virus apparently. Iā€™m so tempted to move to a safe Nordic country.