Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

You need Dr Tony

Nearly 3,000 covid deaths yesterday. Was that a record?

Any evidence at all for that statement?

Tom black, head of the norn iron british medical association, closer of restaurants and crippler of small businesses has just informed the people that his family are now beginning to have discussions about Christmas dinner…would it be safer to have a buffet or is it ok to pass the turkey around the table. He used this example of the sacrifices he has made, and to demonstrate how responsible and virtuous he is.

The fucker should be flayed and rolled in chilli powder

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I don’t have statistics for things that haven’t happened yet if that’s what you’re looking for but what generally happens when cancer diagnosis are missed? When there is an increase in mental health issues? When millions upon millions of people in countries with poor or no social welfare systems are put out of work for weeks and months?


The WFH I’m alright Jacks are the ones who like to virtue signal and tell you how much they have sacrificed.

Most others want to get back to living like normal humans


You called it a fact and said it was chillingly clear.

It is neither.

Perhaps you’ll be right in time, perhaps not.

this is very emotive stuff and missing cancer screenings is terrible
it isn’t just decided on a whim, in the first wave, we were dealing with a disease they know can be deadly for people with comorbidities cancer being one of them. They didn’t know the true extent of the spread of the disease, especially in hospitals and care giving situations.

A risk to have people with cancer in and around hospitals, would you agree? A very immediate risk.

As things have become understood and they’ve learned more and know more they have kept these vital services open in lockdown number 2.

your point on mental health and unemployment doesn’t hold up. If there was no reaction and things went to shit, how would those two metrics be?

Literally every decision that’s made is wrong - because there is no magic silver bullet. If you do A, you fuck B and if you do B, you fuck A. Nobody is winning.


It’s pretty clear to me. I hope I’m wrong but I expect that excess deaths in 2022 and 2023 will be higher than 2020.

What do you mean my point on mental health and unemployment doesn’t hold up?

you’re blaming the reaction for them. if there was no reaction or an under reaction both would be equally as effected.

You’re looking for perfection and it’s unattainable.

Number of cancers diagnosed up here this year is 1200 less than last year. Covid deaths have in the main been people over 80, but a considerable number of the people who will be starting cancer treatment much later than they should will be in their 40s, 50s & 60s.
And though we all appreciate England is a completely broken society now, this BBC report really is something else.

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I’m not looking for perfection at all. I’m questioning the lockdown. To me the consequences of the lockdown outweighs the benefits of it. What is more tragic, a person in their 80s who is already very sick dying earlier than they should or a 50 year old father of 3 dying from a missed or late cancer diagnosis? Or millions of young people dying in the developed world because their only source of income is taken away from them?


which of those is better without a lockdown?

Do people go and spend the same? Is it safer for people with cancer to go to hospital with a less controlled virus that is deadly for them around the place.

Those services are open now pal.

people a lot younger than 80 are getting quite sick with this disease and ending up in the ICU and being kept alive. But sure you spout that shite away


Look we both have very different views on this but the way you cherry pick facts is quite humorous. Yes they are open now but they weren’t for a long time. Are cancer diagnosis down 60% this year? Yes or no? Which is more deadly cancer or covid? If lots of young sports people were being announced as having cancer everyday there would be horror because everyone would know they had a long road ahead and a significant chance of dying. When people hear they have covid they know they are sitting at home playing playstation and will be fine. Yes it is a deadly virus for a small percentage of the population but for 99% of people it is fine. You talk about lockdown as if it’s just part of life and something we do regularly. It is not, it is an experiment and there are consequences to it. We don’t know yet what those consequences will be but the pointers aren’t good.


I’m mirroring you’re argument which is entirely based on supposition.
I’ve already agreed that the effect on cancer screenings is terrible.

That’s a cunts move to think I make light of lockdown or whatever and is very disingenuous debating.

I don’t agree with lockdowns/restrictions or make light of them nor am I unaware of the potential consequences. I happen to think the potential consequences of not having them or getting it wrong are the same and worse

Because you’re a cunt.

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What have the lockdowns achieved? As far as I can see the lockdowns have made things worse, nothing was done during lockdowns to enable the other vital services in Health to open up such as cancer screening and treatment.


eh, they’re open