Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Can anyone summarise what countries like Germany, Italy, France, Spain etc are doing with regards to restrictions for the Christmas period? Are restaurants, pubs etc open, closed, open with certain caveats etc.

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By God:

Greece: Text requests to leave home

Greece’s lockdown will run through to 7 January and people must get permission to leave home by sending a text message to a government number, including the reason and their personal details.

A nationwide curfew runs between 21:00 and 05:00, and travel between regions is banned.

Shops are shut, as are nurseries and primary and secondary schools.

People coming to Greece from abroad must provide a negative coronavirus test result.

fuck me. its like a horror movie

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Greece was doing very well at one stage.

We are absolutely living it up compared to some countries

I haven’t been following this for 2 or 3 weeks but is it fair to say we have gone from one of the harshest restrictions in Europe to the most lax? I appreciate there is a timing issue and when we chose to take our medicine. Do you think locking down earlier was merited now in hindsight given that we can have some modicum of normality over next couple of weeks. I must make an appointment with hew hints as I cant see it lasting.

If you are keen for pints I would definitely say get it done next weekend.
You might struggle after that.

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Thought the reasons would be pretty obvious to most but alas…

Ah they’ll hardly close them this side of the New Year again?

We will be locked down one final time from mid January until after Paddys weekend, it was always on the cards.


Board the fucking windows up and pass food in through a chute.

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I have a trip to Doonbeg planned from 8th - 10th January. Originally planned for 21st February I figured there would be an announcement to the effect you outlined above early Jan.

You couldn’t believe anything from those cunts.

Ireland has not had a strict enough lockdown and should look to it’s nearest neighbor to see how it’s done properly. How many people have been arrested or convicted in Ireland for breaking restrictions?

Another All Ireland Sunday on the :pint:, thank god for the GAA

We’re doing the best in Europe at the moment mate

Yes, but you must do better.