Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

We need to kick the Dub footballers out of Croke park ala Santa Clara.

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There was a fella in Scotland jailed for making a 4 hour journey to see his girlfriend on a jet ski who lived in the isle of man. You’d never see something like that happen in Ireland. Commitment levels like that I should say.


Poor bastard and some other cunt no doubt laying pipe into her for the last few months!


He was hard up for a ride

It wasn’t @Copper_pipe anyway

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You came in a little quickly there

That’s what she said

They’ll give you till New Years

“Renewed restrictions” - they’re not even pretending that they will consider what measures are needed anymore. Back to Level 5 we go.

Very sad on young people - those in college or those working with no kids and no wife. You only get a few years of that kind of care free life before it’s destroyed by blocked toilets, taking the bins out and trying to figure out if you have a fucking pension or not and they’ve all lost a full year.


January 2nd we’ll be back at Level 5 til March.

If we get cases down to <10 per day we can have an hour of pints on Paddy’s day

It’s only a cunt of a night anyway

What tactics are you chaps employing as regards socialising anyway?

Are you happy to head out and meet pals for long awaited pints?

Or are you wary of having too many contacts ahead of seeing older/vulnerable family members at Christmas?

I’m due to go for Friday pints but the “mood music” (cc @mickee321) is kinda changing and some people have decided to leave it.

Maybe they’re all meeting in a different pub. :anguished:

They won’t close shops again I don’t think. Did they not say that?

Yeah I’ve noticed that happening too. For all the crying people did about opening pubs the chance however slight that you might kill your parents at Christmas Dinner isn’t too appealing to most when push comes to shove.


I’ve been out for pints in a few differing 6 people groups. Depends on the location and the people. Some venues would make you wonder, but others are very well run and good at putting you at ease.

I’m considering doing a day on it for the football this weekend :thinking:

I’m meeting lads for pints this evening but I’m kinda tired and I don’t like one of the lads so Im considering leaving it and using COVID as an excuse

Mayo, Mayooooooooooo

And now I must depart it
And reality is plain
May the time not pass so slowly
'Fore I set sail again