Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Look at this cunt off.

This is the guy who dismissed the findings of the European Centre for Disease Control as crazy.

These experts come out with these recommendations that look great on paper but no practicality in reality. There is a correlational between intelligence and being an unsociable cunt tho

There isn’t anything intelligent about advocating for Zero Covid or Scally’s musings in my view.

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Theres absolutely no sense in any of it. Its easy to do these exercises using defined assumptions which they are, they are effectively expecting people to stop and ruin their livelihoods for a disease that people can see this disease only kills the already sick. A majority of peopel i meet these days couldn’t give a fuck anymore and want to drive on. As opposed to the feeling may/june when it was the complete opposite. Not one of these experts have admitted every model has been wrong

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George Lee will be on a horn doing a special report about you after Christmas. “An individual from the Laois area who let his guard down and infected x amount of people”

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“Particularly disappointing after all the great work Mountrath native Claire Byrne did on our screens to promote vigilance”


hon Holohan, lock it down fast and hard, lads got complacent thinking they were going for pints, they are not laughing now

another story for you @mickee321

funeral in neighbouring village (cc @count_of_monte_crist @croppy_boy) and there has been a serious outbreak within the family and now spreading to others. The list of family members were all said to me, but from what was said, it was upwards of ten. Some of the younger ones with it were in the local secondary school, so they’ve now 3 or 4 confirmed cases in the school too. Worst of all is that one of the family members has very serious underlying conditions and is now in ICU and looks bleak for him unfortunately by what was said to me. What is known, is that they had a full and proper funeral, with a wake at the house, pub after the funeral and then a marquee was set up at the home place for after that.

The apparentlys then about it was that there was over 150 at the funeral and the priest went cracked over it and asked some to leave. No masks or social distancing at the wake apparently. The blame is falling at the feet of 6 family members/friends who attended from UK and America. Those bits obviously the gossip merchants so hard to know any truth in that, but the numbers and the outbreak and hospitalisation all happened.


May as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb I suppose

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And your neighbouring village as well, unless that’s what you meant.

Lot of stories going around so I wouldn’t be apportioning blame or credit for actions anywhere in fairness.

Going to be huge ramifications from this.

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some kick in the stones in the run-up to the holidays.

Stubbornness, ignorance and hubris all to blame, hopefully, there is no truth to some of the rumours that I’m hearing.

Very few showed up for school in the local secondary today and who can blame them.

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We’ve enough vaccines for 2,500 people coming before the new year lads. It’s in the bag

Cancel the diggers for nowlan park. Mass graves no longer needed

will we not need them for the casualties of the famous cody training sessions?

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Is Cheltenham still a realistic proposition so?

Fuck Cheltenham


Cheltenham is the entire point

Cc @TreatyStones