Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

Luke O Neill is doing great

Funerals are the new county finals.

Is Sinead Carroll the one from the journal who doxxed yer mans to his employer that time over something very silly?

Yes, disputing a journal fact check article

Thats it. She seems quite nice

Yes. She has a bit of a history of doing stuff like that. Also went hard on the male school teachers in Carlow recently. Which proved to be a ball of shite.

These ones rarely apologise though.

A wolf in sheeps clothing

The Sopranos and The Wire are my two favorite shows and I think The Wire is better . . . a great series to have saved for the upcoming lockdown.

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Kathryn Thomas this year. They didn’t ask the Tippo back.

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Arrah lads on here have been saying New Years is only a cod for years anyway.

Huge figures coming into today apparently, absolutely shocking. Only this day last week paddy was giving himself a pat on the back for being top of the class in Europe. It just shows, you have to be always vigilant with this virus


Dr Holohan was on Newstalk there being interviewed by Andrea Gilligan. He kept calling her Ciara.

The man hates women. That has been established

It’s been hiding in tinsel in attics for months.


Trolley numbers less than half what they were last year. This pandemic has been a godsend for the health service.

People are too dead to go to hospital.

We just need to flatten the curve. Give the health service a chance to cope.

Portlaoise is riggled with it. Funeral seems to have been ground zero. 3 schools currently affected.

Was it not Ciara Doherty he was talking to this morning?

That would make sense.