Coronavirus Thread - Pause before - The Final Battle (Part 1)

“The virus loves alcohol” - headline on :smiley:

“And we also have a problem with alcohol in this country”. When it was put to him this morning that no cases have been linked to hospitality he shrugged off the question. I was disappointed interviewer didn’t press him. What is clear now is that schools have been major contributing factor to spread of virus only he wont admit it. We were never getting down to the targeted number of cases. Before lockdown ended we had 300 cases in days leading up to easing of restrictions. Of course when people are coming home or looking to pre screen themselves there will be a surge in numbers looking for a test. Numbers will come down or remain the same naturally due to schools being off and people staying at home. What we didn’t need was another knee jerk reaction bouncing us straight back into another lockdown. I think attitudes will change and they will lose another cohort of people. 90% of people will spend Christmas with their families and when they realise the sky didn’t fall in people will hopefully start thinking clearer for themselves.



The virus sounds like a sound cunt

Boys, I don’t enjoy telling you this but the numbers in the USA are just unacceptable at the moment. The virus is out of control in every other country across Europe. You’re placing a nice creamy pint over a stranger’s life.

Christmas isn’t worth dying for.

Now I’m very sorry but it all has to be cancelled. We should probably be cancelling Christmas Day but if public opinion won’t support that just yet the lockdown will have to come in on St Stephen’s Day and possibly last until St Patrick’s Day. I have a weekend paid for on Achill Island for New Year’s Eve and I assume that I won’t be getting that money back but that’s the price that has to be paid.

There are a lot of very immature comments on here. You all need to grow up. It’s a difficult situation that no-one wants but just accept your responsibility.

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So schools have been a major contributory factor to spread but pubs aren’t. Em, right you are. Mr. Virus is obviously a strict teetotaler, doesn’t bother with pubs.

I got a news alert from them yesterday “Only meet people you would trust with your life” :laughing:

Did you not read his first sentence Sid?

Case down here have gone mental since that funeral here too. 5 neighbouring parishes all affected by it, pretty much gone into self imposed localised lock down here. All pubs, restaurants and cafes have closed until the new year, schools are open, but messages sent from the primary and secondary was that all main activity was finished today even though they are still open Monday and Tuesday (ie dont send your kids in to us). All charity and fundraising events due to be held over the Christmas break are all cancelled. Its like ground zero with people saying they wont be visiting from outside the villages to see family. Wife was told not to go to her work today and to work remotely. Town where she works is also riddled and with it being fucked up here, boss told her not to bother coming in.

As @Appendage said, funerals are the new county finals.

Has your mammy outright banned you for Christmas Day yet?

Death, Drink, Taxes and Fianna Fail in power. Sounds about right

It’s very hard to take, I know. The truth is you can have turkey any time but we have to beat the virus right now.

They are shutting down

Dear All

Its with great sadness I announce the closing of NEVILs Shoes. This Shop which was established by my late husband Nevil 34 years ago has enjoyed many successful years of trading on O CONNELL ST LIMERICK. A huge thanks to the wonderful staff

and customers who have supported this business over the years.

Our SHOP CLOSING SALE starts today with fantastic reductions on all your favourite brands.

We look forward to your support over the next few weeks as we hang up our boots.

GIFT CARDS will be honoured xx

Ah jaysus. I bought a few pairs of very comfortable Ecco shoes (yes, I’m under 70) in there before. Good people to deal with

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Just had another read of Tony Holohan’s wiki:

The day after Vicky Phelan publicly criticised CervicalCheck outside the High Court, Holohan advised in an email – dated 26 April 2018 – against any external review of the cancer screening programme, instead asking the Minister for Health, Simon Harris to go for a report “prepared by Holohan himself”.

Holohan told Harris the “appropriate way forward” was to "state that you have asked me to provide a report on the matter, including whether further actions or steps are required… I strongly advise that you do not commit to a review of CervicalCheck arising from the recent court case", that to announce a review “could unnecessarily undermine public confidence in CervicalCheck” when, wrote Holohan, there was “no evidence at this stage that there are quality or patient safety concerns with the CervicalCheck programme”.Harris ignored Holohan’s advice.


that’s been the case since the beginning of April… are they only realising this now??

who the fuck is organising non essential fundraising and charity pissups as well??
fucking hell @Gman

her work? Unfortunately she has what the heroes on twitter call a front line job so has no real choice but to be at her place of work.

not sure a tractor run with Christmas lights would be considered a pissup, but inevitable it fell. Heir Holohan will be satisfied. The corona virus doesnt care for tractor runs.

Wooly, fresh from enraging an irate Buff Egan, is taking aim at other targets.

His new haircut has turned him into Travis Bickle

There goes the annual Barney Curley Christmas / new year dingle trip

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